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pastafreak | 17:27 Wed 04th Dec 2024 | Shopping & Style
15 Answers

Can 30% hydrogen peroxide be bought in the UK? 



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I think that who can purchase is limited or restricted.

The sale of hydrogen peroxide in concentrations above 12% is prohibited in the UK under the provisions of the Poisons Act 1972 [as amended].  It's classed as a 'regulated explosive'.

Some chemicals have been restricted from general purchase (bomb making ingredients?):

Acetone / Concentrated acids / caustic soda.

That link says for schools, and conditions apply.

If you really mean 30%, also called 100volumes, it is really hazardous stuff. Apologies if you are well aware of this.

Are you sure you mean 30%...and not 30vol?

30% is 100vol and rather dangerous for domestic use. 9% is 30vol and is available...but questions are asked before sale.

What do you want it for, Pasta?

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Not explosives!!

It was recommended on an American houseplant site for the treatment of root rot. It's a disinfectant. I know it's readily available there...I used it as a teenager for zits.

All the references I can find (when googling"root rot" "hydrogen peroxide") say "3%", not "30%" !!!


//Hydrogen Peroxide is a colorless, odorless liquid. Because pure Hydrogen Peroxide is unstable and an explosion risk, it is usually in a water solution.//

Acetone peroxide is an explosive & has been used in bombing attacks.

Hydrogen peroxide is apowerful oxidising agent, which is why high concentrations of it require a licence. Acetone does not require a licence.

You wouldn't want to put 30% H2O2 on your skin! 

See this SDS:;language=en


Oddly enough, I bought 10% hydrogen peroxide last week. I mixed it with ammonia 25% in an attempt to remove some dark stains in a Carrara marble sculpture which has stood outside for many years but sadly it had no effect.

If anyone Knows of anything better I'd love to hear.

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So far, Google and Amazon tell me it's 3%. Maybe I'll go ask in the local pharmacy tomorrow. 

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