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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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oof hello, lolling here with mint tea....having a good day, dogs got looong walk this morning, DH is well, we all slept in a bit then took my laptop to town for battery replacement....supposed to be 99 quid but the lovely folk at the apple store did it under the extended warranty....bit embarrassing when he opened my lappy at the apple store and toast crumbs fell out though.
Will you lot leave off !

I've got Funiculars and Windmills on the brain now :)

♫Washing ,mopping ,hobble into town
Peg out ,run out ,'cos it's piddling down ....
And just as I have brought it in the sun decides to come and wink
I think I'll just give up today and pour a little drink ♫
Ooh BTW Neti

Luther was extremely gory .Even I ( who can read the most gory books and watch the most gory things ) was peering through my fingers .This guy went berserk with a hammer and baseball bat .Yuk .
Back from my walk.................. Feet and ankles stiff, but hips OK. Another email Shaney and Jude xx

(Poor Neti!)
PS. I can't do gory at all, especially where knives or blades of any sort or involved. My knees literally give way. Even at the very thought.....................................
Will watch luther tonight!

Have finally caught up with myself, had so much to do, and as I needed the car I had to run hija to and from work, which takes a good ¾hr each way, so that's time wasted. Getting hot here now.

Yay Tsonga won, I do not much like Federa so that's Ok.
Evenin all...
I love Federer (but Tsonga seems like a nice guy) so je suis desole...whatever 'it' is Fed has it in shedloads, he's so sexy. Unlike pumpkin bum, no one, not even a woman, should have one that round & he's still pulling his shorts out of it...yuk! Well done Andy.

Don't suppose any of you watch Emmerdale? Ella's Chanel style aran cardi, I want to know where it's from? I bet it's designer & very expensive, I'll have to find a knitting pattern. I'd like to get back into clicking, especially now I'm cutting down on here.

I watched that new Channel 4comedy drama t'iher night - Sirens...load of rubbish but the beginning was sooo gory it was out of place in the programme & poor taste comedy. Haven't seen a good review for it & I won't bother again.
sorry not concentrating, got a lot on my tiny well as shaney's lyrics, haha
I don't watch Emmerdale Robinia but have you got a pic of said cardi ?
If you have I'll have a search round for you .
I'm clicking of an evening whilst watching teevee .Mind you there's nowt tonight .If I can keep my eyes open though I want to watch Gone Baby Gone later .
I'm doing a plain short sleeved jumper atm. Just something to wear for the winter under .....a cardi :)
Yes I know it's only June but I'm already looking at winter stuff in view of the last lot .
I like to be prepared for all eventualities:)
Do you know that yesterday they were doing Christmas crafting on qvc shaney?! eek! ♫...ding dong merrily...♫
erm, haven't found a pic yet, it's probably a bit soon for pics of her in it unless you watch Iplayer. I'm hoping someone else will ask on the interweb...or I could email the programme, I think lots do. Charity Dingle had a coat I liked & now her daughter wears it, haha. Anyway it was the basic Chanel style, the main body was stone/beige aran pattern & it was edged in navy. I think there was some beading on the navy bit too, I was on the phone at the time & just caught sight of it. Maybe I wouldn't like it up close :o)
Is Emmerdale ITV player ? Because for some reason ITV freezes on my computer .Well,it doesn't exactly freeze but it's all jerky .
Mr.S yelled out about this teryaki steak earlier today on Lorraine or something and insisted I watched it ,which I did ,jerk by jerk .
Anyway ..long story short ..I made the bloomin' steak and it was quite tasty I may have overdone the sherry vinegar though :)
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Shaney you are supposed to cook with it.......night night all
Night woofy...x

haha, I'd probably find brocolli tasty of I'd cooked it in sherry :o) I think there's a problem with Iplayer it isn't working at all for me. Ne'er mind I'll try again tomorrow.

Think I'll toddle off upstairs & carry on scribbling on my sudokus...actually I've done well this week, I've finished everyone I've started. Nite all.x

♫..wish me luck as you wave me goodbye.....♫
Lol Woofy ... it was a bit boozy .
Night girls ..sleep tight ...

♫ Cheerio, here I go,on my way ♫
Night night girlies.

Robi, When I get in a temper with a sudoku, I scribble all over it and write expletives in big letters.

I have just finished my sudoku book. Why is it that I can do the difficult ones yet mess up the easy ones. Lack of concentration I suppose on the easy ones which means I make silly mistakes.

On my shopping list for tomorrow: Lidl perfume, new Sudoku book and cheese straws from Morrisons!!

Sleep tight.

ah funiculi...

as I probably mentioned, it was written to commemorate the opening of the funicular up Vesuvius.
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good morning, mist clearing to a lovely bright day here.
Morning all, having a lazy day today,

Sorry Robi that Federa leaves me cold, there is something strange in his face, can,t be doing with him. Now Rafa is like a son to me, not sexy at all but he is such a nice person, and cos he comes from the next island he is my hero. But Tsonga is nice in every which way!
looking sunny here and I have nearly finished my job.
Keep reading jno, no slacking!

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