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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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No never jno, I always say isn't it hot or gosh it's cold
Hi all

Heatwave seems to be cancelled for the foreseeable future .It's sloshing down here and thundering away merrily after a lovely morning .

You wouldn't want to be beside the seaside at the moment Robinia .I expect the grockles are running for cover .

I've been roaming round with my new vacuum cleaner .It's not as powerful as that other monster but it picks up the day to day bits and at least it doesn't kill my back lugging it around the house .

Oh crikey, I'd better watch my bad grammar .Although I'm sure our Jno isn't as picky as some pedants on here .I expect Naarfolk accents are excused :)

Mr S did a bit of that sort of work after retirement ..Translating .It's quite lucrative but of course he's knocked it all on the head now .

These days he watches all this daytime Teevee crip and keeps yelling out for me to come and have a look at so and so .I'm sooo not interested but you have to appear to be interested :)
Then he keeps looking in the fridge and rooting round the pantry and generally mooching about looking bored.
I suppose I'd better go and open a tin of sdns:)
Evening each. I've been to my Tai Chi session and for lunch then I had loads of phone calls to make. One to my insurance cpmpany about my new specs which I got damaged on holiday but I told them I had damaged them at home and, judgement on me, I was informed I wasn't covered for specs as they're not standard contents. Was I mad I paid £264 for them this month

Do I understand right that TJ Hughes is closing. My sister and her daughter will be disappointed as they use them a lot.

(Lottie you have another email. There seems to be a problem for me opening your last one.)

It is nice and fresh now but no sunshine. Unlike on holiday when we had sun everyday but now a lot, and heavy rain as well. Tuesday was the worst one when we went to Dee Side. We had some good trips including the one up the Cairn Gorms in the Funicular railway which wouldn't start as the computer said one of the doors wasn't shut - anyway the engineer sorted it and after about 10 minutes wait up we went. I'll show the photo of the view from the top when I've put my photos on here.
We stayed in The Bridge of Tilt Hotel in Blair Atholl. It needed an upgrade but was very comfortable and the meals were great with plenty of choice.
Tilt is the name of the River running through the village.
I wont ramble on any more just now but I will tell you next time what happened when I lost my mobile on the coach.
Hope you feel better today Robi now it has cooled down a bit.

See yer later 'gater(s)
Lottie have found your email, what am I like, sorry. You have another one now.
Don't worry shaney, oy be understandin ee....haha, no idea what accent that is. I'm fairly good with accents, which probably comes of being in't middle of country, but my mum dreaded having to talk to anyone out of a 25 mile radius & she swore she couldn't understand them, unless they spoke like royalty of course....I think she watched too much Pathe news.

Well Jude where the headaches were there's now a lot of space and cotton wool and I think my legs used to belong to looby loo but never mind, if I'm arrested for being drunk & dismayed please come and vouch for me....Oh no! You've said that word - Funicular! Now I'm going to be singing Funiculi, Funicula all bloomin night...I don't know the words, I make 'em up as I go along... :o)
♫...handbags...bloomers...half a pound of tripe...funiculi, funiculaaaa...♫
That bloomin thunder and rain went round and round and round and round all afternoon and my internet went down yet again, so I watched Midsomer Murders on the upstairs tele and spent my afternoon between lazing on the spare bed and ironing the occasional shirt.

Tomorrow friend and I are walking three miles to the local hostelry on the river and taking Meg. We are then going to have some wine and sandwiches and walk three miles back. (Unless the storms come back!)

Have mailed you Jude

Lol lol.....I'm shrieking with laughter ..half a pound of tripe .....
I think I've mentioned the very rude German version of Funiculì, Funicula before ,so we won't go into that again :)

I watched a clip of Margaret Rhodes ( some sort of cousin of her Maj ) earlier .She's written a book .They're all at it yer know .I'm just waiting for Prince Philip to write a bestselling murder mystery.

One of Mr S's shouts of ... " come and look at this " .....she spoke such thick RP I could hardly understand her :)
Heeow neeow breoown ceeow .
That's a six mile walk Lofty !
There is no way I could walk six miles even at a stroll .
♫ Funiculi funicula♫

damn you Robi, now I can't stop either, I've washed up and had a swim and that Funiculi funicula is everywhere.

♫ screams ♫
Here's a giggle for you all. After the Funicularing and Funiculeeing this was the view from the top.
We were on the viewing platform and it was that bad that was all we could see so I definitely want to go back to take a better photograph :~)
Oh lawdy was watching last night's Four in a bed and a lady was singing funiculi, I couldn't believe it...........................
Hi Neti I thought you'd all be watching Luther....
I'm off to bed now so I'll say Goodnight and Sleep tight. It's good to be back with my Biddyfriends even though I had a great time away.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Night night

Shaney, I think I can do the 3 miles there. I regularly do 2 miles of it and back again. Help is on hand if I can't make it back by way of friend's hubby. We will have to see!!
Morning all, too warm to sleep.

No lottie I don't get Luther until today (I download these progs from internet so a day behind)
Here I am again, are you all still sleeping?

Robi, have you checked that when you have used up your 10whatsits of internet that you can't keep browsing? When I am in Eastbourne I have a payg T-mobile dongle and when I have used my amount I can still surf the net and come in here and check emails, just can't download things.
I am Lottie and Jude is Jude Neti. Twas Jude who asked about Luther. You confused me for a minute.

Good morning. I have not been sleeping. I was being a dutiful wife at 7.00am making a packed lunch for Mr LL and then strolling round the garden and replenishing bird feeders, etc. Am summonsing up energy for my marathan walk. A lovely sunny day, but rain later I believe.

Jude yet another email for you.

Shaney watch out for an email - I am just about to write you one.

Neti - I can't write you one because we are all talking about you, ha, ha!!!

Oooh. pee po belly whatsits I want an email!!!
Morning funicula peculias, sung yourselves hoarse have you? I do like to leave people with a lasting thought. :o)
It was nice 'n sunshiny but it's clouding over now, oh tut, I wanted to nip back to the shops & fetch the things I forgot yesterday.

Oh dear Jude, that's always the way, I've got a very similar pic from somewhere in Wales. Hope you planted an "AB Biddy woz 'ere" flag. :o)

Neti I'm not even going to try that, you're charged a fiver for going over & as I've only one day of this month left I'm ok, I've hardly used anything the past couple of days so browsing & the odd email definitely uses very little. Maybe Tarquin having to sort out that hoo-ha gobbled a lot of it up, he did a lot at his own house but some needed to be done here on my BB.

<dings on xylophone>
♫...a mouse lived in a windmill in old Amsterdam...♫....

♫.. a little mouse with clogs on, well I declare....♫

sorry jude and lottie, twas v early in the morning,♫ hooray and up she rises♫♫...ooops sorry!!!

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