I want to buy my other half a fishing rod but I don't have a clue about them! He mainly goes down to the sea when he is fishing, Can anyone recommend a good all-rounder that would do?
Your best bet would be to talk to a tackle dealer. It all depends what sort of sea fishing he does. From a beach, from a pier, from a boat. Depends what sort of fish he is going after- no use trying to catch a conger on a light mackerel rod!
Speak to him! Ask him what type of fishing he wants the rod for then speak to the dealer- most are very knowlegeable and will sort you out without ripping you off.
Thanks! He fishes mostly off a pier but I have no idea what fish he goes for. I'll ask him in a round about way (as I want to get it for him as a suprise) and then go down to the fishing shop and ask them. Thanks for you help :o)