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Mustardmit | 00:33 Fri 15th Jan 2010 | Shopping & Style
4 Answers
Has anyone here benefitted from the delights of this web-based free version of e-bay?
I think it's brilliant both in ethos and in practicality.
I've got rid of a few items -to good to bin but not good enough to sell. My telly came from Freecycle too.


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Freecycle is great,I have given lots of unwanted items to people that can use them! It's great!!!.................Welsh
Yep, I use it a lot to dispose of unwanted electricals that my local charity shop won't accept.
Got rid of loads of coat hangers (refused by charity shop) and surplus plants/seedlings.
Yes, use it all the time - given away bed frames and bits and pieces, toys etc. Gained tickets for rugby and a kennel for the cat. Some of the really greedy requests get my goat a bit, but I guess shy bairns get nae sweeties!
We joined up and couldn't believe the requests from people. One person wanted a whole list of furniture and electrical items for their new house, not any old furniture, but good quality new or almost new. Another wanted a new laptop (wouldn't we all), again there was a list of brands they'd 'consider'. I think it's a bit like car boot sales. You get a high percentage of decent people and others who just want to con kind hearted people. So I guess the lesson is, be sure that the person who wants to your items actually is in need of them and doesn't just intend to sell them on or furnish their home at no cost to themselves.

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