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bezzy | 14:47 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Hobbies & Interests
6 Answers
I've just put this question on and forgot which site I used. Can anyone tell me a good site for card supplie, stamps etc,. I have papers and blanks.


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too many to suggest. It depends on your budget and what kind of cards you want to make. ebay is a good place to start, qvc isn't the cheapest but has a 30 day moneyback guarantee which works even if you have used part of the pack.
Countryview crafts does free p and p, Joanna Sheen's prices are good and delivery fast, If you have a Range store near you, they are excellent.
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many thanks, I am sure to find something. My granddaughter is just getting started.
Have a good forage in local charity shops too, costume jewellery can be dissected, ribbons and buttons are great as decoration too.

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