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Stone/Pebble Painting..

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Patsy33 | 22:04 Tue 05th Oct 2021 | Hobbies & Interests
145 Answers
Has anyone had a go at this?
I've been having a go for the last 6 months or so. Very relaxing, if you can find the time. I've done a few but like this one I did for my little Grandson, who likes Marvel characters. :-)


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You could, of course, Patsy....though at the risk of an AB suspension, paint rocks with the image you have of other members.
My but that's impressive, Ken! Your head for heights is even more impressive!
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Ken, that is awesome! You'll be famous one day.. :-)
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I will, Buen, just for you.. :-)
Infamous, more like :-)
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Gness, don't put ideas in my head!..
I shall be wondering now why I think you all look like! Should be funny...
Could be a hoot, Patsy.
I’m quite liking Tony’s post. Be fun around the village.
Hmmmmmmmm……… ;-)
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Wow, Tone! Why didn't you say you look like Robert Redford?!...
Wellllll, I don't like to brag but................ ;-)
Start with Mamya. You’ll surely find some elbow shaped rocks.
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You've given me a couple of ideas!...
snigger again
I'm not deef!!
Shhhhh……Mamya’s around.
Does tonyav really look like Robert redford ?

If so…. Drool :-)
I’ve met Tony, Toorak. Yes, couldn’t tell them apart.

Tony…….that’s a pint you owe me. ;-)

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Stone/Pebble Painting..

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