I'm going to a fancy dress and the idea is to dress up with the first letter of your name. As my name is Natalie I have to dress up as something beginning with N : ) Does anyone have any ideas? So far i have:
Nurse Nymph Ninja
Would like some original ideas tho - any greatly appreciated!
Nanny McFee
Norma Desmond (Sunset Boulevard)
Nicotine (make a giant cigarette out of a long white tube with a beige tip painted at top & holes to put arms out through)
Nureyev - if you are femaele, scrape hair back in pony tail, flatten boobs with bandage wrapped round& wear fancy waistcoat over long sleeve T-shirt which will also help to disguise boobs, opaque black or white tights with socks stuffed down the front! !! & ballet shoes (the sort with elastic strap rather than ribbons. Look at photos of him on the web for ideas & heavy theatrical makeup ideas.
These are all brilliant suggestions thank you and there are so many I hadn't even thought of. The reason I asked was because every website simply had 'naughty' such-and-such Solarjunkie! hahaha
The name that immediately suggested itself was Napoleon � fancy dress hire shops ought to be able to do that one! (Where fancy dress is concerned, I don't think gender matters too much...)
There are loads of ideas at the fancy dress panda site,
Newton Faulkner
Nigella Lawson
Nightshade (Gladiator)
Nelson (The Simpsons)
Nelson Mandela
Neo (The Matrix)
Neptune (Roman God of the Sea)
I hope that it helps Media URL: http://www.fancydresspanda.co.uk/costumes-by-alphabet/ideas-beginning-with-n Description: Fancy Dress Ideas Beginning With N