jump on that useless dithering boy with the big brown eyes - next year your parents will announce that you're all moving to Europe. Make the first move, or else he'll end up being "the one that got away" - everyone can see you guys are made for each other. Nothing is worse than regret.
Life is for living. Get out there and enjoy every minute of every day, but don't hurt anybody in the process. And pursue your dreams, even if others try to discourage you.
Don't bother with your A-levels, you won't need them (and don't feel guilty that you won't revise for your GCSE's because they go fine). Also nobody will ever look down on you for not sleeping around so don't feel bad about being picky - The One will be along soon enough!
mine would be quite a few things.... say "I love you" to my mum because next year she won't be around anymore...try harder at school so you could have a better job than what your doing now and never get any loans or credit cards. Oh and don't go out with Steve, John, Dan or Dominic....big mistakes!!
Do something about the way you look, stand up for yourself and do those things that you can only do when your young and can't be put in prison. Man, i wasted my youth!
stop obsessing about your weight, you're fine! Don't go down the academic route just cos all your friends are, its your career not theirs. if you decide to go travelling to Australia for gods sake don't come back.
Don't let 'em grind you down: anyone, ever, for the next 10 years. After you've reached 25 or so they can't anyway, because you are who you were growing into all those years before and you know where you're at.
You don't realise how vulnerable you were when you're young until you look back. And we all thought we were so in control of our lives, but we just were not! Well I wasn't anyway.