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What's In A Name?

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McMouse | 11:17 Tue 30th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
Yesterday was introduced to a chap who I last met at school some 60 years ago when he was called Ralph. His name is now pronounced "Raif". Anyone know any other name transformations?


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Back in those school-days his name wasn't pronounced as it was supposed to?
He had a name change?
His name has gone retro, he's moving along with times?

Did you ask him about it?

when I was at school it was;
Keen-ya now Ken-ya
Bo-dis-seah now Boo-dik-a
2 boys talking at school, one says ''what's your name'' ? the other boy says Fred 1st boy says that's not a name it's wot yer muvver mends yer trowsers wiv.

Not quite the same thing but when I was in the RAF there was a Sergeant called Franscombe which he pronounced Franscom. He applied to become an officer and after training came back to the station. He then referred to himself as Pilot Officer Frenscoom, snobbery is a terrible thing :o)
Perhaps he takes after Ralph Vaughn Williams, which is indeed pronounced Rafe.
My mum used to be mad, at how i pronounced Austria, as she said it was 'orstria'. I also have a friend who signs cards 'chelle' not michelle, but guess thats not the same, just shortened...
shroosbury or shrowsbury?
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Raif's mum called him Ralph when he was a boy.
What about Uranus?

It used to be "your anus"; now it's "your an us"

I bet the bad word filter kicks in....................
r-a-l f (ph) -who decided to drop the L ? and Leominster -how come its pronounced lem-ster or some such ridiculous thing instead of leo-minister?
some extra kudos perhaps, but Ralph Vaughn Williams has always been pronounced Rafe for some reason.
No one ever pronounces the "3" in Jay3ne
Jay-three-ne (Jay3ne)? Is this your real name and how you say it? No... you putting us on. lol
lol society ...

No, I don't really have a number in my name. I'm not a Beckham child !

I based my ... err, gag ... on a reference by an American comedian, pianist and Harvard maths lecturer called Tom Lehrer, who said on one of his recordings that he had a friend who spelt his name with a "3" in it, and the 3 was silent.
:) Glad you've cleared up this. :)
My name being a bit weird usually ends up being pronounced somehting like Shayorey, when in fact it should be 'Shar . (brief complete stop) aur ree', don't really care though if asked I go with Shari because people can say that:)
Shrewsbury? Locals now prefer ' shroos-bury'' but the Public School is 'shrowzbri'
It's Shrewsbury in my neck of the woods, West Mids.

wilnecote ----- wincut (bloody weird people round these parts, i say wil-ne-cote)
How do you pronounce Glascote, fluffy ?.

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