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Un Report On Vatican Response To Child Abuse

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beso | 13:40 Fri 07th Feb 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
28 Answers
Quite surprised nobody has posted a comment here.

I like this from the Vatican's response:

"reiterates its commitment to defending and protecting the rights of the child... according to the moral and religious values offered by Catholic doctrine."

In another article I saw they claimed they were leading the way in child protection policy.


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The UN has given them until 2017 to formally respond.

Don't hold your breath. The last time the UN asked for a response to a report they were 17 years late.
The Catholic Church has always been able to not see what doesn't suit it - and this is another example.
The church is leading the way in child protection like foxes are leading the way in chicken protection.
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I am an atheist but I don't see all religions equally. Sufficient to say I detest the RC church it has been corrupt and sexually pervert since its inception . As Dante described it in the 13 century " The Vatican is the corruption of the sewer " and Voltaire in the 17th when describing its links with the
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CONT. and Voltaire in the 17th when describing its links with the Holy Roman Empire as " Never an empire , never Roman and above all else
never holy .
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I am an atheist but I don't see all religions equally. Sufficient to say I detest the RC church it has been corrupt and sexually pervert since its inception . As Dante described it in the 13 century " The Vatican is the corruption of the sewer " and Voltaire in the 17th when describing its links with the

Please can we have the next installment

Sorry modeller I missed the 2nd one.

// In another article I saw they claimed they were leading the way in child protection policy.//

Do you think that the RC Church needs to study what '' child protection policy''
actually means ?

This is the same UN whose "peacekeepers" were involved in the sex for aid scandal and who employ Tony Blair as its "special peace envoy to the Middle East". The hypocrisy is staggering even by political standards.

The Vatican is the name of a hill in Rome. The Catholic Church is an organisation that accounts for between a sixth and a quarter of the Earth's population depending on how you measure it. It's hardly surprising that it attracts a share of the Earth's criminals. In the 1950s and 1960s, the Catholic Church had the same problems as just about every other organisation that interacted with young people - their frontline services were infiltrated by paedophiles. In the UK, we also had paedophile doctors and paedophile teachers, and teachers are still the largest identifiable group in terms of convictions for child abuse.

The many provinces of the Catholic Church now have the most robust safeguarding policies in the world. In England and Wales, these are based upon the findings of the Nolan Commission and they have subsequently been copied (with varying degrees of success) by the medical profession, those employing teachers and organisations like Scouting.

The doctrine of the Catholic Church is that sexual activity should be restricted to heterosexual couples in a lifelong marriage with the intention of procreation. Any deviation from the rules by one of the world's 1.7 billion Catholics provides great fun for the press, but what it has to do with the UN is beyond me. Are they trying to divert attention that they are completely impotent in dealing with the bloodbath in the Middle East? Are a few hundred paedophiles masquerading as priests a more pressing need than the hundreds of thousands killed in Syria and the millions displaced?
It is time that the Roman Catholic Church sorted it's policy out. For starters it is a fact that males get erections & erotic thoughts, to have a strict policy that dictates that male priests will forever remain celibate is totally misguided & for want of a better phrase a load of b******s. They are keeping the gates wide open to homosexuality & pedophilia practices & I would go so far as to say actually inviting it into their midst. It is time to declare that priests are free to marry & share in the happiness of family life
that they actually understand & NOT as at present be able to give advice & lay down the law on marriage problems from their inadequate SINGLE status.
Then maybe just maybe we can look forwards to the end of child cruelty in the Roman Catholic Church.

old jim //In the UK, we also had paedophile doctors and paedophile teachers, and teachers are still the largest identifiable group in terms of convictions for child abuse.//
Your excuses and trying to involve other professions is a typical RC cop out.
Of course there are paedophiles elsewhere and when caught are convicted,
but your RC lot just shuffle them around to parish after parish , school after school , and as reported often aided and abetted by the nuns .

I will be more impressed When they start handing over the abusers to the police. At the moment they haven't even publised a list of names despite having them for years. They are dealing with it internally and we know what that means.

None of this is new the Popes and the Borgias were masters of perversion '
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//In the UK, we also had paedophile doctors and paedophile teachers, and teachers are still the largest identifiable group in terms of convictions for child abuse. //

Have you got statistical references to support this? My impression is that teachers committing such offences are quite rare. Investigations revealed offences by 4,400 priest in the US alone.

Moreover there are many, many times more teachers than priests.

//subsequently been copied (with varying degrees of success) by the medical profession, those employing teachers //

Certainly not in Australia.

Open your eyes and see beyond what is obviously the doctrine of your own faith.
What a wonderful excuse Old Jim is putting forward. Other people do it so it's OK for the catholic church. Isn't the church supposed to be the guardians of our morals? or is it the same old, do what I say,not what I do?
Old_Jim, //Are a few hundred paedophiles masquerading as priests a more pressing need than the hundreds of thousands killed in Syria and the millions displaced? //

What an extraordinary thing to say!! I've seen some excuses from religious apologists in my time, but that leaves me speechless!

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