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regulators | 11:43 Sat 29th Oct 2005 | People & Places
14 Answers
what did people use to do on a sunday before pubs and shops opened all day and football was on tv live,its all people seem to do now


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they went to church.
nope, I have never been a regular church goer, or watched football. I do shop on a sunday but honestly wouldn't miss it. I do what I have always done, walk watch telly, read, sew or do other crafts, garden, enjoy being with my family, read the papers, sometimes catch up on the housework, cook a stonking sunday lunch in winter, in summer Mr W barbecues.

sunday schools used to be traditional on a sunday afternoon so mum and dad could stay home and make more babies!

used to go to visit the relatives for sunday tea

I used to hate Sundays as a kid. Mum & Dad would take my sister & I to the pub, where we would have to sit outside in the car with a bottle of coke and packet of crisps for ages .... bored silly .... and we would always end up fighting. Back home after the Sunday roast Mum & Dad would fall asleep on the sofa and we were not allowed to make any noise.

We played ker-plunk once and woke them - all hell broke out.

Like most people we only had the one TV and that was in the living room, where they slept, so that was out of bounds too. We'd be banished off to our bedroom to play quietly or read a book.

Now I look at my son with his pc in his bedroom & play station & tv & cd & dvd player and I can't get him out of his room, and whenever he says "i'm bored" I could cheerfully throttle him.

God how I hated Sundays.

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That brings it all back angie26 !.

I had almost forgotten what it was like myself, definitely the worst day of the week !

Educate, agitate and organise the working class to become aware of the fact that they were being oppressed and exploited by the international imperialist bourgeoisie, in order to enable themselves to organise and build a revolution to establish a people's democratic dictatorship of the proletariat.

And eating chocolate cake, reading books, and watching television.

Goodness me IAP - I remember the Epilogue too. I was also a 1947 baby - but I'm not old! :o}

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very wise iap! -x-
Before the pubs opened on a Sunday all day we used to be in the pub all day illegally. Much better fun than now when it's allowed.

Generally got bored off me box.

Watched mind-numbing crap on the telly (Beachcombers, anyone?), got sent by mother to the grocery shop a few yards away (why my mother could never bother going I never knew) or got sent by mother on a boring short trip with my father who didn't want me along, went home & listened to the Top 40, got dragged kicking and screaming to church before the top 10 finished, got even more bored, went home, watched The Muppet Show and Hart to Hart, did my homework, went to bed.

I hated Sundays!

I used to get up at 05:00 and go ferreting with my Dad and his friend then back home, My Dad would go to the miners welfare at 11:00 and Mum would start the dinner. I went out to play with my brother until 15:00 as Dad would get home then and we would have dinner and dad would then try to read the paper with one eye and mum would go next door to gossip.

The best part of the day was the early morning, being 12 - 13 I felt like an adult with my Dad and his friend.

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