sorry boys and girls - the most off the wall answer goes to - - -
none of the usual suspects and AB quipsters have one lined:
Ghosn - gone !
and it was according to todays reports - a packing case no a cello case
spoil sports
but hey does that remind anyone of anything ?
Umaru Dikko - and he was a bit of one - was kidnapped and almost shipped abroad (back to his home een Nigeria) by the israeli Mossad in 1983
and the interesting bit was he was anaesthetised and intubated in the case (!!) I kid you nart
and IN the case they found him (OK), on ketamine, a monitor and an anesthetist (!) - the chief of critical care in Jerusalem (where he wasnt - he was in the case).
and HIS case for kidnap and nastiness at the old Bailey with a super short hearing because he pleaded GUILTY !
he was shut away but said to have been released out the back door!
the Krays ! Umaru Dikko kidnapping - life was so different in the eighties and er sixties
there was meant to be a quid pro quo