// There can be no "facts" about the future. //
Jim I keep on telling you to retrain in Law - you have the brains etc...
future facts come up in Law as in asbestos exposure for example. Fella OK now but whether or no he gets asbestosis and DIIIIIES ! is a future fact.
comes up in
brick dust causes dermatitis and if you are the lucky winner as a future fact you are allowed to walk across the guilty bridge and claim your pot of gold
there is also a bridge to no=moolah which is that you sould have got it anyway .... judges - fun people huh?
pandemic you are looking at 60% infection which for UK is around 36m, the vast majority will be mild 1% mortality is 360 k and 0,1% mortality is 36 000
around 500 000 people die anyway - so that is an uplift of 10%
at the end of this everyone says phew!
and the high ups give each other medals and enhanced pensions