So there is a pledge to increase our 8 bank holidays - Christmas, Boxing Day, New Years Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May x 2, and today.
What should we include..............
I propose the last Friday in October which would coincide with the extra hour on the Saturday when the clocks change as well. This breaks it up a bit as well.
Today is not a Bank Holiday in Scotland (though the actual banks may be closed) but schools etc all operating as normal. We do however get a holiday on St Andrews Day.
Whatever is decided, please let us hope that we don't end up like France with, I think it is, 3 in one month (May). It really snarls things up. I don't think we can afford too many Bank Hols. t.b.h.. I'd like St. George's day to bring us into line with the other home nations. Something in the Autumn would be nice. St. Cecelia's Day and combine it with a national day of music as they have in France?