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Reasons To Be Cheerful

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LadyCG | 12:29 Fri 14th Oct 2022 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
1. It's Friday.
2. My husband is much better following his COVID - was worried about him for a while.
3. We've just bought tickets for bonfire night - it's a cracking do where we're going.
4. Kwasi No-Dough has been given his marching orders.
5. I'm feeling very positive today :-)

What are your RTBC?


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We all woke up this morning, that's always a good start and reason to be cheerful
I am trying to be but instead of getting easier , it's getting harder with tears before bedtime :0(
I am keeping my brain active doing a personalised calendar for my friends in Lanzarote who live there, that's this afternoon, tomorrow ewe are meeting with our in laws (OHs sister and husband) so looking forward to that, missing my daughter like Hell but she's on her way home as I type, she was already booked to go away before Monday's funeral
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Very true, Barry ;)

She'll be home soon, Bobbi. I know it's hard but you will have a lovely time in Lanzarote xx
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Did you make a paella, Barry?
Going to start organising a street party for next May 6th, I’m at my best organising stuff, love getting my teeth into it and my book only has another 39 odd pages to go before I self published it ( interesting reading I can tell you )
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A street party sounds exciting. To be fair to the residents of my street, they like to having a bit of a social gathering themselves.

Your book sounds exciting x
It’s taken over two years in the making but it’s nearly there , I only ever do a couple of pages a month, I’d love to be able to use the dictate function but it doesn’t understand my accent and I don’t speak broad Geordie either, it’s hilarious what it prints out though
Erm…..’s Friday.
2.Mr Smow has just won a new major contract with a new client so is v pleased.
3. I managed to clean the house top to bottom this week so can put feet up today.
4. I have not 1, but 2 granddaughters due within nxt week.
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Ha ha, Bobbi. It reminds me of voice recognition technology in clinical dictation.

"Balony bandage" and "very coarse veins" are some of the humdingers we've had.

Our systems are on the blink today so we can't do any work .... RTBC or what?!!
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Hi smow. Congrats on the imminent arrival of your two granddaughters. You must be thrilled xx
Hi Smow, I hope you get those health problems sorted very soon, how exciting , the imminent arrival of two new babies?
Yes Bobbi - both girls!
There’s nothing better to lift one’s spirit than a new baby in the family but you’re getting two, you’re a lucky lady Smow
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Are there any potential names yet, Smow?
I’ll send you a page of said book for your approval ( or diss approval haha)
It's Friday
Done my weekly shop
Arranged a lunch date for Wednesday at fab restaurant
I'm feeling happy & cosy!
Ah Sharon , that’s lovely
A quick complaint. Friday is my first day of five on, so is not a RTBC.
No names yet I don’t think Lady CG x
Who do you do your shopping with Sharon? Online I assume x
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I'm sure there's a silver lining in that cloud somewhere, Hobkirk.

Sounds fab, Sharon. I love going to a nice restaurant. We'll be booking something for our 7 years together in November x

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