Some of those 'tips' which are usually featured in womens magazines have me in stitches, eg, 'Place a shower cap over your bicycle saddle when not in use. Keeps it dry in wet weather.' Does anyone else have any amusing 'tips' from (not Viz!) magazines?
Yep -'Ttake a few old pairs of tights when you go shopping, and put your wine bottles in the legs to stop them clinking together.' I know it sounds Viz-like - the image of producing old tights in the supermarket queue, but it was actually in my local evening paper!
Wear a pair of knickers on your head when painting the ceiling, to avoid paint spatters in your hair (but don't forget to take them off when you've finished or if you have to answer the door!)!
My wife found a letter in a women's magazine from someone who worked for a mail order company, saying some customers didn't realise what they were saying. "I'm returning this bra because it's too small. Please send me a pair of pillow-cases instead."