Spacemanbob appears to be a fellow American. I agree there are plenty of "famous things" here, but I'm embarrassed to see him say we have more of them than anywhere else in the world. If you want glitz and hype, come on over. We have plenty of it...and I don't deny that it can be fun. But don't be fooled....much of it is famous for being famous...and disappointing after you've spent a bundle to experience it.
We do have some architectural delights, big buildings and nice bridges. Our National and State Parks are wonderful (and I hope our new president won't give too much of it away to oil and logging businesses) Many of our cities have fine museums and symphonies...I'll put a plug in here for the St. Louis Symphony...a top notch orchestra from my home town. Well, heck...I'll even plug The Gateway Arch...interesting view from the top and a very good history museum below.