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Birthday Night/Day out

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Heraldeer | 12:05 Thu 30th Mar 2006 | People & Places
8 Answers

I am approaching a birthday and want to do something a bit different to the normal blokey drinking session.

Its too short notice to arrange a party and I'm not into paintballing and kayaking stuff - just fancy a change...any thoughts?



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Bowling is always good for a laugh.
Have a nice evening in with your knitting
What about a nice dusting evening you could do my ironing too,clothes not required!
have you thought of a hot air balloon flight ? they sound a really cool thing to do.

Do you have a Jonleuers Comedy club near you?

It does involve drink but is a good night out.

Sorry thats jongluers
Sorry I think i am drunk try again Jongleuers. Thats it!!!!
Go to the greyhound racing, good for a laugh

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Birthday Night/Day out

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