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Pub names

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Bohne | 10:46 Tue 30th May 2006 | People & Places
31 Answers
What is the weirdest/most unusual pub name you've ever seen?


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The fox & Firkin in the balloon up the creek

The New Found Out is a pub near a hospital in London that specialised in diagnosing newly found out diseases,and so it was called the New Found Out. At one time there was also an Old Found Out, but I think that was a modern pub that traded on the name of the other one.

I Go Inn (Brighton)

sg is that The Biscuit Factory in Hove??

Free dapedos -- But that was from the Peep Show.

The Mechanical Elephant in (Margate)

The Office (Southampton)

In Emmer Green in Berkshire there are two pubs - The White Horse and Black Horse, directly opposite each other.

Where I live there's both a "New Dolphin" and an "Old Dolphin" - and about as far from the sea as you can get in this country.

The Whistling Duck at Banwell, near Weston-super-Mare.

I remember as a youngster, The Gate Hangs Well near Bridgnorth.

When in America a few years ago, we went to Some Place Else!

The Lighthouse - in Coventry.

The Moon under water in...just about every town in the country. Not unusual, but weird for its lack of imagination.

The Frog and Nightgown on the Old Kent road (don't think it's there anymore).

The True Lovers Knot. It was demolished a couple of years ago. So much for romance!
The Hamster in North Hampshire

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