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Ann Summers Parties

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Eve | 18:44 Sun 08th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
I'm hosting one in a few weeks and am after some ideas to make it extra special.

I went to one a few weeks ago and to get the hostess some lovely free underwear she needed people to book one so I'm having one at mine.

Any tips to be the hostess with the mostess. There will be an Ann Summers lady doing the main bit oh and red wine is banned (cream carpet!).




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Ps..Zorro no you can't come sweetie.

Apparantly it's ilegal for men to be there as it counts as an orgy so i'm told!
thats very unfair Jenna Zora could have brought his sword.
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That's very true...hmmmmm....maybe I could disguise him as a pot plant or something.
or someone come early for halloween. in his outfit ?
Jenna my love, orgies aren't illegal!!!:)
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That's what I though lovely Nox, she must have lied, bad Ann Summers lady!!!

She did say men weren't allowed for that reason but some let gay guys go at their discretion.

I suggest you get a very large box of batteries!

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Ann Summers Parties

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