I have noticed that at the end of nearly all car insurance ads that the small print claims cover or a certain offer is not available in Northern Ireland. This confuses me. Do they show these ads in NI? If so this would be a waste of time and would disappoint alot of people. If not whats the point of the small print? This has bugged my tiny mind for ages.
I used to work for a life and general insurance company that dealt with private medical insurance, accident and sickness insurance (A&S) and critical illness cover and these were no longer offered in NI (they had been previously) due to the prevalence of fraudulent claims experienced in NI. I'm obviously only talking from my own personal experience and hope I don't offend any NI answerbankers!
I have been told that, for some reason, personal injury claims are significantly higher in NI than the rest of the UK. The person I spoke to ( I can't remember who they were!) was very certain of this fact, and also very clear that there was no obvious reason for it. This means that specific T&Cs apply there. As with Miss Zippy, no offence intended.
Sorry misk111 I didn't answer your question. I guess even if they were not specifically designed to be shown in NI it would still be rather difficult to prevent them being seen by people there. Also small print is really a disclaimer, not necessarily intended to jump to the attention of the viewer - or am I just being cynical?