“Man cannot live on bread alone.” (Matthew 4:4, The New English Bible) These oft-quoted words touch upon a human need that many have lost sight of today. They indicate that we have a spiritual part to our makeup that needs to be satisfied. That is why the one speaking those words, Jesus Christ, also said: “How blest are those who know their need of God.”—Matthew 5:3, NEB.
Only religion can fill our “need of God.” Only religion can answer our basic questions regarding the origin, purpose, and meaning of life. And only religion can give real meaning and substance to our lives. But not just any religion will do all of this. Jesus told a Samaritan woman: “The true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth.” (John 4:23) Worshiping ‘with truth’ means more than following time-honoured traditions and rituals. These often give adherents little more than a temporary feeling of well-being, while leaving them spiritually hungry.
Most religious organizations have produced bad fruitage. It is not the fact that groups are organized that is bad. But many have promoted forms of worship that are based on false teachings and are largely ritualistic instead of providing genuine spiritual guidance; they have been misused to control the lives of people for selfish objectives; they have been overly concerned with money collections and ornate houses of worship instead of spiritual values; their members are often hypocritical. Obviously no one who loves righteousness would want to belong to such an organization. But true religion is a refreshing contrast to all of that.