I am a Captain of a Boys Brigade. It is a Christian Organisation, however you don't have to be a christian to go! At my company i have both church goig and non church going officers and boys. And although we do some devotional type activities - stories for the bible, end of evening prayer - we certainly don't 'Ram' it down peoples throats, and i would never ask someone to leave, if they didn't go to church. Those of us that are Christians are very open about this, and just tell the boys that if they have any questions they know where to come. I have nearly 80 boys on my books, (35 aged between 11-18), i would like to think that i am doing something right.
The important thing is that they come to us each week and aren't on the streets creating merry hell. I lot of my past boys have been successful with jobs etc due to the charatisitcs that was brought out of them through going to Boys Brigade.