Here in Scottyland there are 2 types of teacakes. One is like a currant bun that comes toasted with butter, or the other is a chocolate thing filled with mallow on a biscuit base made by Tunnocks.
with V&C it depends on where you are in the country - if I was in England I would expect a current bun - if I was in scottyland then I would expect the mallow.
Thanks so much for your answers so far....however, my boyfriend still thinks that's not right...aarggghhhhh!!!!! But I have told him it's because he is not getting the answers he is looking for....
He wants to know that if you go into a cafe/coffee bar & asked for a 'Teacake', would you expect a cup of tea with it?
If he slurred his words and said tea 'n cake then he would get tea too. I think he is winding you up. Nobody in their right mind thinks any kind of cake involves tea as well.
yes but they are really just chunky marsh mallows and to sell them in a cafe the owners would actually have to have them on display in their foil wrappers so that customers could select them, you wouldn;t walk into a randon cafe and expect them to sell tunnocks tea cakes, and if you were a tunnocks tea cake fanatic (which you would have to be) you would have to be specific about your choice and also visit an awful lot of cafe's to actually find one that has them on the menu.