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Changing Britain...

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lightbulb247 | 20:02 Mon 18th Mar 2013 | Society & Culture
61 Answers
if you could change 5 things in Britain, what would it be an why?


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Think I'll have to go with you Em, sounds about right to me though could possibly add another 20 or so lol.
I should explain that by Nazis I mean people who want dictatorship. Many of the people on this thread want to ban this, ban that; they want to destroy freedom by dictating and destroying the individual's freedom of choice. A nation where freedom is destroyed to pander to the petty hatred of bigotted little minds would not be a better Britain. Read 1984 if you think dictatorship appeals to you. Politicians need to stop tinkering with the symptoms; overpopulation is the root cause of so many problems, yet it seems to be taboo. Reduce the pressures on the nation and it can start to heal it's problems.
Britain isn't over populated

London is - some of the other cities are but that's not Britain

Go for a walk in Lincolnshire or Wiltshire etc and see if you still think it's overpopulated

"Would the UK please move down the Bus!"
JTP, yes London is, and we have taken the hit every time. More fecking people we don't need, that doesn't include the tourists who invade the place all year round, we need their money sadly otherwise many of our theatres would go t its up, but apart from that i wouldn't change anything else, or would i. As to the reference to Nazi Party, very objectionable comparison, seeing as how they managed with the help, aid of many, to exterminate 6 million Jews, millions more helpless mental health patients, teachers, doctors, and the intelligentsia which are usually the first to go, as we have seen with the likes of Stalin, so would appreciate not being likened to those bstards any day soon thank you.
by January 2014 we will be importing ever more, many of whom i am sure will land here.
If only the Union Flag didn't have that ghastly red all through it.
OK em10, point taken. For Nazis please read Fascists.
Make it illegal to walk about in the streets with your underpants showing
And the wearing of a baseball cap back to front.
to steg who wants to get rid of England, not sure where you live, but it would be a mighty big saw that cuts us away from the rest. As to fascists, not that either, just people who are sick to the back teeth of our country being the dumping ground of the world, which it now is.
Other countries feel they're dumping grounds too though - people in Spain are going to Germany, Germany took in loads of Turks a few years back - and so on.
Ah I get it now I think, so if you are against anymore immigration then you must be a fascist ?.
tony seems so, if you make a point of saying no more people you are racist, can't win.
I totally agree with you em.
Germany took in the Turks because they needed workers, Angela Merkel has said any number of times of her unease they many Turkish people have not integrated into German life, but prefer to keep to their own cultures, way of life. There is one thing of taking in more people, but you have to have jobs, houses, and so forth to support them, from all i can see in Britain currently, we do not.
whilst we have millions out of work, we shouldn't be importing in more, it's simple economics.
Nail on the head there em.
Lower Taxes
Pay Benefits for 6 months then stop them so it encourages scroungers to get a job
re-introduce Grammar schools
Better help for university students so they don't start out life with a crippling debt
Pay our armed forces and police more
tonyav, re fascists, read what I actually wrote; don't invent stuff.
so by saying one doesn't think uncontrolled immigration was good for Britain as a whole, that more entering the country will impact on services, those services that are being cut for many, particularly for those that have contributed to the coffers and well being of this country, so by saying that we are narrow minded bigots, well i never.

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