Heard recently that research shows that an average of 2.3 children per couple is required to sustain a culture, and that EU average is only 1.6. No EU country is above 2 per cent. Muslims in The UK average about 8, so only a matter of time and demographics before the church bells are replaced with the sound of a cat being dragged through a keyhole.
Then what happens to us? Atheists included?
Muslims in the UK have about 8 children on average?
I think you have you either made that up or miscalculated/misread some figures. Do you have a link?
So are you grateful to all those non-Muslim unmarried mums with large numbers of children that we see on programmes like Benefit Street and On Benefits and Proud.
How do you know? Anyway, I was simply saying that you must be pleased that they are helping keep our average close to the required level, and ensuring the Muslim share doesn't grow as fast as it otherwise would
Factor fiction- I worked in engineering for 43 years before my health gave out and now aged 63, I live on a small company pension and benefits. I was a 7 day a week worker, 12 hour shifts for many years, believe me, I KNOW!
For many years now I have been of the opinion that child benefit should be paid reasonably well for the first child, much less for the second and nothing at all for any other children. This is on the basis of, on average, keeping the population stable. The application of this policy would discourage fast-breeding groups - of which Muslims are one, very obvious example.
Where did you get your figure of 8 being the average Muslim family in the UK?
It is actually 3 and expected to fall to 2.5 within the next 10-15 years.
It is a well-established demographic principle that the fertility rates of communities of recent migrant origin, particularly from developing countries, may be initially higher than those of longer-established communities but decline over time. A 2011 study by the Pew Research Center found that Muslims in the UK had on average 3 children in 2005-10, and predicted that by 2025-30 the figure would be down to 2.5.
2 children per couple is below the number needed to maintain the population when you take into account early deaths. I seem to remember the no of children per couple to maintain a stable population is around 2.3