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Asian Suppression Of Women.

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flobadob | 22:19 Tue 26th Aug 2014 | Society & Culture
49 Answers
Could it be that the main reason Asian men wish to keep their womenfolk behind closed doors and unable to associate within society, is that they are afraid the women will let it be known that sexual abuse and paedophilia is a way of their life, as was shown by the recent Rotherham cases?


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Big mistake, ummmm. Where was that?
Naomi has eloquently reiterated the point I made last night on a thread in news. Some Asian men regard women as something that's merely to be tolerated, and white women are not even given that consideration.
I can't remember the name of the town. We were staying in Marsa Alam and it was the nearest town. About 40 minutes drive. I think the hotel should have warned me.

The hotel we stayed at was fairly new and in the middle of nowhere. Great holiday though. When you have nothing to do and nowhere to go you have no option but to chill....and scuba dive...
And the hotel was staffed by only men. I didn't see a female until we went to that town. They were very polite when we were spending money.
My views on this are encapsulated in this thread from last night:
That's par for the course in Egypt, Ummmm. Women are rarely in evidence in tourist resorts and hotels. It's wise when travelling in many Muslim country to cover your body, arms, and legs, when venturing away from your hotel or the beach.
None of your cut and paste proves that all Muslim men act this way, and that is my point. Its entirely erroneous to suggest that every member of a racial group acts the same, and that is what has been said by some here on AB.

It was suggested by the OP up above. It was suggested by VHG at 07:40. It was said by NJ yesterday. Its is this one-size-fits-all that is wrong in these debates. I have already suggested that in the case of these Rotherham men, they did indeed share the same racial and religious traits. Its been suggested that if we hadn't let these Muslims in to Britain in the first place, these girls wouldn't have been abused.

But white, Anglo-Saxon men far outnumber black-brown Muslim men, and there has been horrendous amounts of abuse done to white girls and boys by these racial group, but race never comes into the discussion when we are debating their crimes. Millions of words have been written about Jimmy Savile but I can't record reading the racial profiling of his victims. Boxy, C+J and others have pointed this out but the usual suspects still seize on cases like this to batter the immigrant over the head.

People of different ethnicities have always been present in Britain. In fact Britain is made up of many peoples, right from Roman times on. If some people had their way, they would like to revert to a mythical wonderland in the 1950's, when a black or brown face was never seen. Britain is a multicultural society and it isn't going to change back overnight. Get used to it.
I thought we were going to a touristy part. It wasn't until we got there did I realise. Quite intimidating....

When we went to Thailand I was 'advised' to cover up when visiting the I did. I didn't go to the temple anyway 1,200 steps...they can bog off :-) I fed the monkeys instead.
That's all well and good mikey, but when something that's clearly morally wrong not to mention illegal is done you cannot hide behind a cultural or religious defense whilst you live here.
'They were very polite when we were spending money' - isn't every seller?
Mikey, I didn't suggest that every Asian man is the same, so you clearly haven't read my post. You're not interested in learning.

Ummmm, you did go to a touristy part – it’s just that in Egypt touristy parts aren’t like touristy parts in much of the rest of the world. My rule when visiting any Muslim country is to take clothes to cover up if necessary. I never go without long skirts, linen trousers, and long sleeved tops - oh, and a long scarf to cover my head. my complete ignorance, I didn't even know it was a Muslim country.

The brochure said cafes and bars yada was sea and desert.
Boo...I am not suggesting for one minute that you can or should. I have seen no evidence that the Muslim community is trying to hide anything, unlike the Catholic Church who denied anything was wrong for years, until the sticky stuff hit the fan and they couldn't ignore it any longer.

If you read my posts on this subject, You will see that I agree with the findings of the Rotherham Enquiry, that fear of causing racial unrest was indeed a factor in the years of abuse that went unchecked. But the Enquiry was clear that a great deal had gone wrong, not just this fear. Why did the Police tell the parents of the 13 year old that was gangraped, that it wasn't worth proceeding with the investigation as it would be her word against theirs ?

( she was interviewed by Humphreys this morning on the Today Program, which I am sure you can find on the I player made for harrowing listening )

Were these the same Police that failed in investigate Cyril Smith or Jimmy Savile ? Because there was ample evidence against both these men but investigations were pulled, thus allowing the abuse to go on for years and years. How much blame can be landed at the doors of our Plods ?

More importantly, is the wide abuse of children still going on ? The logical answer to that question is ...yes, it most certainly is. Have we learnt anything by these regular and very expensive Enquiries.

And when is dave going to finally pull his finger out and announce who is going to replace Dame Butler-Sloss ?
Mikey, you keep banging on about Savile et al, but I’ve told you – these crimes bear no comparison to those of Savile. They are committed for very different reasons. I’ve given you a link that tells you explicitly why these groups of men do what they do, and the reason the authorities have kept this very low profile is because, as the report on BBC Radio 4 said last night, they felt exposure might damage community relations. If you, personally, have seen no evidence that the Muslim community is hiding anything away, it’s because you aren’t privy to the lives of the Muslim communities that harbour the perpetrators.

I still say that it is racist to maintain that all Pakistani men are the same, just because some of them have committed these awful crimes. And before you say it, I know that YOU have not suggested it. But there are people on here that will use any excuse to castigate foreigners, and that is what some of them have done with this topic.

I will continue to use the example of Savile, as others have agreed with me.
He did his crimes for exactly the same reason as these men did...for naked sexual gratification. But all white men are not tarred with same brush because of Savile. Sorry about the "Tarred" but I couldn't think of another phrase to use !

Most of these men were also taxi drivers, but nobody has latched on to that connection.

I will continue to speak out against racist behaviour and language as long as I can. Can I remind you that somebody on here recently was desperately trying to convince me that phrases such as "going down the P***'s for a pint of milk" wasn't racist ? While we have ignorance like that, the battle against racism still needs to be fought.
Mikey, //I will continue to use the example of Savile, as others have agreed with me. //

Well, they're wrong, just as you are wrong. It's attitudes like yours that have caused the authorities to keep this under wraps. "It's racist - don't offend the ethnic minorities for fear of causing disharmony within the community". To paraphrase you, whilst we have ignorance like that, we will never deal with this problem effectively.
Naomi....would you use a phrase like

"going down the P***'s for a pint of milk"

if you wanted to go shopping ? Some of our ABers would and can see nothing wrong with it.....I wouldn't.

Would you ?
No - but really I can't see the difference between saying that, or Scot, or Brit, or Aussie, or Yank. No one takes offence at any of that, so are Pakistanis really offended, and if so why, and why do you take offence on their behalf?
I'm confused Naomi. You say that you don't use the phrase but then you imply that Pakistani people don't take offence. They most certainly do Naomi but not half as offended as the Hindu community is, of which I am more familiar aand friendly with. The P word is seen as an insult by them, as they realise that some white people see a brown face and automatically think the P word.

The P word isn't a term an acceptable word for people from Pakistan. The word to use is Pakistani, which is a statement of fact, not an insult or an opinion.

I am hugely surprised that you didn't know that, as you come across as an educated person. A person in a wheelchair is disabled, not a cripple, or a "spas" Same applies to brown people. Once again, the P word is used as a term of abuse, not a statement of fact.

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