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It's Great When You're Straight?

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ichkeria | 20:55 Thu 09th Jul 2015 | News
32 Answers

With the US busy banning the confederate flag, Russia has seen fit to invent a 'straight' flag to rival the 'gay' one.
Is this a positive development?
If you could introduce a new flag what would it be for and what would it look like?


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A picture of Vladimir Heteromaximus of course. Nothing more straight than a bare chested white man astride a horse.
23:38 Thu 09th Jul 2015
Oh dear, the flagpole's bent.
A picture of Vladimir Heteromaximus of course.
Nothing more straight than a bare chested white man astride a horse.
What is it, a picture of a bum with a 'No Entry' sign?
No more nor less daft than having a 'gay' flag.

Can't think of any reason I'd need a new design of flag for.
I note his flag implies encouragement to have too many offspring. Maybe Russia has too much spare space & resources.
On that Russian flag, it looks like the child on the end is pointing to where his parents are, and the woman is holding a big gun.

Presumably the two adults are child sex traffickers, kidnapping the children.
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A woman with a scrotum?

She could be a Russian athlete.
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Does the flag also imply that straight people want to have children?

Not all of us have embraced the idea of stretching our front bottoms to the diameter of a human being. It's simply not natural.
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I'd like to think that I was cloned in a test tube.

The alternative is just too gross.
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Great idea hope it catches on, perhaps we can also have a straight pride parade, with flags waving?
Too many is leaving more beings behind that leave when the two parents shuffle off this mortal coil.
... than leave ....

like I typed >:-(
Wrong post OG?
No, just answering 1ozzy's question.
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It's Great When You're Straight?

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