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Charity Shop Donations.

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gness | 16:11 Mon 04th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
I know we have some charity shop volunteers on AB so....

I have a large box of board games and quizzes that I need to dispose of. Pictionary, Call My Bluff, Mindtrap, Murder Mystery and so on.

Do these sell in charity shops or am I just loading them up with stuff they have to get rid of?

Thanks Gx


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These sell well in my local PDSA shop, but can't comment on others.
Hello and Happy New Year. It varies. They really have to be pretty immaculate and must be complete. Seal them with sellotape and stick a label with 'Complete' and the date on each box. Sometimes groups that have games nights/afternoons will take them, otherwise.
If you support a particular charity it's the best way to dispose of things that are too good to just bin.
Ooo I'll have the Pictionary gness, LOVE that game !

My local RSPCA sell board games bu the way.
There's always freegle:
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Thank you! Charity shop it is then.......didn't want to cart them into and through town then home again if rejected......

I've loved Pictionary.....I used board games at school so I have two or more of some......and I need space for wool.....☺
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Hadn't thought of the free stuff sites, BB......thank you....x
I'll have the beige cardigans that you're disposing of;-)
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As if I would wear beige!!! But I do still have a little black and gold top that will suit you........ ;-)
I'll have it if it's a 48" chest;-)
I am gathering up stuff too gness - but mine all are lotions and potions - have cleaned out cupboard have found 5 pairs of high heels never worn - am washing very good coats to be sent as well so that everything is pristine. It certainly is leaving me a bit of room too.
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Mmmm.....a little snug maybe....tell you what....I'll put a blingy insert down the back and it's yours.....☺
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Hi, it is with me left foot never properly recovered from the splits on the ice so I'm now buying size threes......the twos will have to go.....x
Omg Gness - if your feet are size 2 or wear - no wonder you tumbled so much LOL
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It was developing a bust late in life that did it, Conne......I became a sort of Weeble........ ;-)
If you'd got a 48" bust I'd be knocking your door down :-)
if she had a 48" bust she'd be knocking her own door down.
Is she had a 48'' bust, she wouldn't need a door!
I took a bag of clothes recently to a charity shop. Asked lady if I could keep the carrier bag. She said yes and emptied the clothes on the counter. Spotted one of my favourite tops AND my dressing gown that I had lost and thought I must have left at a friends house when I dog sat recently. Scooped them up and got out as quickly as possible. Good job I asked to take the bag!!!
LOL @ jno and tilly
A nursing home/home or day centre for the elderly might appreciate them, or hospice/disability day centre or local community social club.

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