most threads about current troubles/migrnt/refugee issues ae on hte news section. It's totally tedious to join in with a thread where people just start standing and lobbing insults rom both sides. I think it puts a lot of people off posting or replying (as i already explained once)
No big surprise. The 3rd world can always been relied upon to dump their undesireables back to us. Who are the mugs ?? They are not in the EU. Jerry is. :-)
where are they? Hiding, lefties hate it when they are proved wrong, they tend to hide away until they can contrive a reason why they where right all along and the rest of us are knuckle draggers. That can take some time. are so right.......and does put so many off posting when it's obvious where a thread will quickly go time after tedious time..............x
Earlier today I considered composing a long and factual answer complete with many clips ( of the taunting,accusatory and downright nowty variety) from just the past day or two - then having had a rethink and a lovely family day, I will borrow some words from a very famous man and confine myself to this....
Oh come on Mamyalynne. This Op has not exploded into a riot. No one climbing out of their pram. No answers removed or people suspended or banned. What do wish for?