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Should German Women Dress More Modestly?

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vetuste_ennemi | 02:26 Sat 16th Jan 2016 | Society & Culture
75 Answers
Cologne's mayoress says yes.
Her argument is that foreign cultural attitudes may see a short skirt or a low-cut blouse as an invitation to rape.
Do the clever people who understand modern morality see the difficulty morons like me have in trying to reconcile the apparent contradictions?


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There is never any excuse for rape. How girls dress is not an invitation.
04:09 Sat 16th Jan 2016
Whilst I agree a woman should be able to wear whatever they want without any harassment..we still have a duty of care to ourselves...I would never walk down a street at any time or day dressed more appropriately for the beach, wee bra top and hardly there skirts , as I have seen in town here of a Friday/Sat night where copious amounts of alcohol are in the meleé
Unlikely the women of Cologne were parading around in skimpy clothes on New Years Eve. And you don't have to be drunk to catch a train.
I'm with the Swiss police chief, get a gun and learn how to use it.
Army Chief, sorry.
oh I agree entirely sve...that was outrageous !
Svejk "get a gun and learn how to use it." are you serious?

Then we end up with the gun crime that the USA are now seeing, especially as most of these types of incidents are at parties etc where there is free flowing alcohol.

Very bad idea indeed! I never thought I would say this... we have a handgun ban in this country and I hope that never changes without very good cause!
I know the OP took place in Germany and I have commented as though it happened in England, I opologise. What we really need here and in other countries is a very strict judicial system that punish these men severely, let them know that they will face deportation immediately and or prison!
In general women/girls in Germany do not dress like the ladies from say Newcastle. Heaven forbid how these monsters would have reacted if they managed to get to Newcastle en masse.

A major problem occurs once they have committed a sex attack ... they can not be deported!
-Talbot-, I'm sure if we look hard enough we could find a small uninhabited island that would take them all, build them a Mosque and and leave them to it!
A contingent of young ladies from Hartlepool would soon end their nonsense.
//In general women/girls in Germany do not dress like the ladies from say Newcastle. //

thank goodness - the sight of armpit hair would reet put me off my collapsenbrau.......
In fairness, Mayoress Henriette Reker, issued an unreserved apology several days ago, saying how she had spoken before having a clear understanding of all the facts, and should not have told women how to dress and behave.

She is (was?) a pro-immigration supporter and was stabbed and nearly killed for her view last Autumn;
how can you dress more modestly in a swimming pool.

As a female woman who lives in the real world, what Chris said.

I absolutely believe and support that a woman’s (AND an man’s) “no” means “no” in all circumstances. As someone who worked alone in the community for many years, I believe in taking sensible precautions in risky situations. I haven’t actually read Ms Merkell’s comments but from what the OP has said, maybe she messed up the message though. If she did say that women in Germany, in all times and places, should cover up to avoid cultural misunderstanding, i’d say that she is an idiot.
oops sorry, twasn’t Merkell
Everyone should be free to dress exactly as they want.
## how can you dress more modestly in a swimming pool. ##

I have seen Arab women swimming in the sea in Abu Dhabi, with the Burka & face covered.
They were whales. :-)
Yes trt, but this is Germany and they are German women not Arabic women.

## They were whales. :-) ##

:-) retro.
## Yes trt, but this is Germany and they are German women not Arabic women. ##

I agree webbo, I was just mentioning it.

I read today that gun sales have increased in Germany, didn't realize that you could buy them easy there.

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