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Cross-Dressing. Why?

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naomi24 | 10:34 Fri 11th Mar 2016 | Society & Culture
239 Answers
I can understand homosexuality, I can understand trans-gender, but I simply cannot understand why heterosexual men indulge in cross-dressing. Any thoughts that may enlighten me will be welcome.


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I think a lot of these later answers put into words what I feel better than I could have typed - in the same way you may spend an age explaining to a child why the sky is blue when they ask - often the questions we are presented with are best answered with a simple 'Just because...'

One of the best lessons I was ever taught was simply how to 'be' if only for ten minutes - no questions just gazing and 'being'.
Could someone explain the difference between a cross dresser and a transvestite, please.
A transvestite is someone who gets pleasure wearing clothes designed for the opposite sex.

Whereas a cross dresser is a sideboard with shelves above that isn't very happy.
\\\Could someone explain the difference between a cross dresser and a transvestite, please.\\

Same thing..........both fetishes.
Surely just wears the women's clothes and the other one has the op! [Hope you have your legs cross, sqad!]
It isn't always about a fetish, Sqad...

I can't say I see much of a difference in principle, except that "transvestite" almost sounds a bit more official, ie "I am a cross-dresser" = "I occasionally wear clothes associated with the opposite gender", v. "I am a transvestite" = "I often wear clothes associated with the opposite gender".
Oops got my transvestite mixed up with transgender, Don't you just hate it when that happens!
I think "transvestite" is the proper word, whereas "cross dresser" is one of those gammy nouns derived from the activity (in this case cross-dressing).
Well, that's cleared that up...

Sqad is convinced that cross dressing has something to do with sex or getting some kind of thrill and I doubt he will ever be convinced of anything different.

That's Sqad for you!
Sqad gets turned on by a table leg;-)
Some things are best left to the imagination or depending on the imagination . . . not so much.
Be fair. He can only speak from personal experience.
...and a table-leg gets turned on a lathe.
Transvestites tend to be gay. Cross dressers tend to be straight. I think that`s the difference.
/It isn't always about a fetish, Sqad... /
but probably usually...jim
They are simply different names for the same thing as far as I know. One is more "scientific", the other more common usage.
to Sqad and those who want to know the difference....a crossdresser is a man who enjoys wearing women's wear (or certain items), tends to be sexually linked but not necessarily so - the homosexual or latent homosexual link there but, in many, not there at all. TVs want to dress and live as women - but they don't want to go onto the full programme of transformation what a transgender would - they don't associate themselves as being trapped in a male body all the time.

Often with a TV, the clothing has no direct sexual linkage as with women, other than attracting a partner - the split of sexuality - well that you can't objectively categorise and generalise. Some are gay, others straight hetero and many bisexual - as are a large part of the population, even if it latent.....sorry folk, its them genes and hormonal balance from both our parents and the pre-generations.....
\\\\\Sqad is convinced that cross dressing has something to do with sex or getting some kind of thrill and I doubt he will ever be convinced of anything different.

That's Sqad for you!\\\

No, this is sqad for you:

Cross dressers are more common than you think.
99% of cross dressers start in response to a sexual feeling or thrill and like marriage, the initial flush of enthusiasm and excitement soon wears off and it becomes rather a way of life.

Has that cleared up some of sqad's thought about cross dressers RATTER?

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