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Theland | 22:21 Fri 15th Jun 2018 | Society & Culture
83 Answers
I got called a Xenophobe.
I'm not. I'm English.
Looked on all kinds of maps and can't find Xenophobia anywhere. I thought it might have been in Africa. Maybe it's name has been changed. Africans do that quite often.
But the trouble is too many foreigners in this country. And every country.
Look at America. Hardly any English there. Full of foreigners.
All the European countries the same. English outnumbered by foreigners.
I am going to start a new group to combat this assault on my English sensitivity.
Will you add your support?


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Bobbysox? What the hell does that even mean? And reported for what btw?
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My new protest group is called The British Bowel Movement, and we are to flush out undesirables and others any ilk that are unsympathetic to us, the dominant and superior English, who have given the world so much.
Kval, walk away love.
snags, Theland does indeed talk a lot of nonsense - but his sense of humour, when it surfaces, is unrivalled .... in my opinion.

And Theland, stop with the victim. Your OP wasn't THAT funny. (It was really). x
This entire thread is a car crash. As for the Three Stooges being somehow privileged knowledge of anyone above the age of, say, 35... nah.
Calling me an idiot.
Seriously Mamya, these idiots make me weep for the site :/
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Kvaldir - trying to place you. Do I owe you money?
Well might I suggest you refrain from acting like one then Zacs my old china. Not withdrawn.
//My new protest group is called The British Bowel Movement, and we are to flush out undesirables //

Oh come on! How can anyone with a smidgeon of a sense of humour not laugh at that? Crying here!
Pretty obvious to anyone with a degree of humour, N.
''The British Bowel Movement''

All *** and wind, leaving a nasty taste in one's mouth?
Gag. Wretch.

Gotta agree with 23:11 & 23:12
Hmmm.... there's some of that here too, snags. Polite to ignore it.
Anyway, I'm not sure what I'm doing in here... off to post on the 'my musical taste is better than yours' thread.
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The B.B.M. And approved by Trump.
Well, there ya go. May the wind always be at your back.
The Three Stooges.

What about Wilson, Keppel and Betty?

Ok, tryn this one:

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