Theland - // To all you people who on this thread smirked at Tommys incarceration, I would ask you to reconsider your views in the light of what others have posted, and support Tommy. //
I haven't seen anyone 'smirking' at the incarceration of 'Tommy Robinson - merely two opposing views, one that he is a hounded martyred patriot and subject to a police state, and the other that he is a self-publicising egotistical career criminal who is serving a just sentence for a crime he has admitted committing.
// It's not hard to get to the truth. //
No, but it is hard for some to see it and accept it.
// Tommy has been a bad lad in the past, who hasn't? //
I haven't, and neither have other millions of law-abiding citizens. I am not willing to simply shrug my shoulders and smile at the crimes of a man who is intent on breaking the law when it suits his purposes, while shrieking from the rooftops about others doing the same. This perception that he is 'a bit of a lad, but that's just him' is not acceptable. He is a grown man who spends his time pointlessly grandstanding and drawing support from seriously undesirable people.
His indiscressions to not bar him from being a patriot and capable of seeing injustice in the establishments cover up of Muslim crime, and the slow but sure is.amic takeover of our nation. //
They are not 'indiscretions', they are criminal acts for which he is in prison, once again. let's not do as 'Tommy' claims, and gloss over clearly criminal activity shall we? That would make his supporters as bad as the people he claims to be 'saving us' from.
// You might live in a leafy suburb and insulated from these things, but if so, it is only a matter of time before you and your families will become affected. //
You might live in a fantasy where arrogant career criminals are 'patriots' and 'bad lads' - I don't.