I met my partner in January, for literally a short time with a ton of other people around and I've got to be honest I've never been so lust struck in all my life. I would have done ANYTHING to get him on his own lol. I thought I'd never see him again but he swapped seats and sat next to me, chatted to me and asked for my number before he left and he then started Skyping me and emailing me and invited me to watch him work in March, which I did and again I was utterly lust struck and this time he did nothing except kiss me in a pub and off he went again and I was dying by this point, but then he asked me over in May and the couple of weeks we spent together then cemented us as a couple absolutely and for me it was set in stone that it was him or no-one after that. I've toed and froed to him since then, and he moved heaven and hell to get a few days away with me in Ireland, and he bought me a 'nearly engagement ring' as he put it which then morphed into 'where's your engagement ring' the next time he saw me not wearing it and we're now living together part time when work and other nonsense allows. In total I reckon we've spent a couple of months together maximum and tons of skype / email time, but I've never known anyone else so deeply, so maybe it's the level of attachment and intensity rather than the length of time always.