Argument does not mean quarrel, it means rational discussion to arrive at a conclusion. Here are some bad arguments - (1) It's the economy, stupid. (2) Read my lips. (3) Get a life. (4) Project fear. (5) It's in the Bible/Koran so it must be true. The list goes on........
For example, if someone keeps quoting unlikely worst case examples as a reason not to change for the better, pointing out it's just part of a fear spreading strategy is perfectly valid. Quoting the economy is fine (minus the "stupid" bit, but that's just common useage and means nothing). It's just a shame when folk put wealth accumulation before everything every time.
Sandy. how can Q5 be meaningful? If you read my book of revelations of the god Athea you would realise that you should believe me. You wouldn't regard that as a convincing argument. would you?
OG. Calling someone stupid should not be common usage. If I just said to you, 'shut up, stupid, you're just stupid, therefore you're wrong.' you would quite rightly take offence, and you wouldn't say, Oh sorry I now see you're right.
OG, I'm afraid that I don't find it easy to ignore the 'stupid' bit. Calling someone 'stupid' is personal. Don't you agree? And it's certainly not going to encourage civilised discussion of the essential points at issue.
TTT. I quite agree that none of them are arguments. But they do appear here quite a lot. And I wish they wouldn't. The ones which are simply rude assertions should have no place in a civilised discussion.
OG. Sorry I don't understand your last answer at all. Could you explain? I am serious about this (serious as in 'interested to know what you mean', not serious as in 'I'm feeling aggressive about it')