Corbyn Would Win A Snap Election in The AnswerBank: News
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Corbyn Would Win A Snap Election

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retrocop | 10:55 Sun 14th Apr 2019 | News
54 Answers

If this poll were to be accurate then one would assume any rational Prime Minister would ask why they will lose so many seats. Is it not an indication that the Tory's traditional supporters, who seem to be converting to UKIP and Mr Farages in droves actually want a Brexit?
Worst Tory Prime Minister since Heath imo.
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//Worst Tory Prime Minister since Heath imo.//
Slight understatement Retro.
I was not a traditional Tory supporter. It was the LibDems for me until recent times. Now that is definitely a no no and the Tories are not an option. I would vote for the BREXIT party - definitely not for the Labour Party with JC as leader and Abbot alongside. So basically I think the people who voted for BREXIT from all parties would vote for BREXIT party, not just the Tories. I don't think Brexit was in any way down to voters political affiliation.
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//I don't think Brexit was in any way down to voters political affiliation.//
Well I believe it is now NellieMay! :-)
Polls are very fallible. This one says everyone is sick of May's performance, not that they want Corbyn as PM.

Nobody in their right mind would vote for him and his Marxist crew. We'd be in the Putin camp within months. Venezuela here we come?
I think it is unfair to judge Mrs May on one topic only, the one that has blighted her as it would ANY PM .........and that is delivering Brexit.
To call her the worst PM since Heath is a very superficial analysis of her qualities, many of which we haven't seen during her tenure, due to the overexposure of Brexit.
In government and parliament, yes! Among the people I know, very few could be considered Tory, but wanted BREXIT. It should never have been a political issue and an all party undertaking from day one in my opinion, instead of being left til the last minute. But perhaps I am far too simplisti.
That was to retrocop.
You are spot on and a terrible Home Secretary as well the woman has form. And the one waiting in the wings D A would be even worse.
NellieMay // I would vote for the BREXIT party//

Interesting comment. So you don't care what the Brexit party will do about defence, social services etc, so long as they enable Brexit. We then have a further 5 years of a government with no agenda.
Squad, which is why I think as I do.
bhg, I think that Nigel Farage know that the Brexit party have no chance of being elected so no agenda needed.
It says to me two things: first, Labour is NOT a Brexit party fundamentally and yet leads in the polls. Some mistake surely for a country allegedly desperate to leave the EU.
Second, if you want Brexit that desperately, voting for parties like UKIP
and the Brexit party, neither of which can possibly hope to win a general election, is going to do nothing but keep the Tories out of power. And actually do the opposite of what you want.
UKIP did well - it was right for its time. People are sick of Tory indecision and frightened of the Labour hard left, so Farage could do well again?
If more usual Tory voters switched to one of the Brexit parties than usual Labour voters, Labour might become the largest party, but I'd have doubts it'd be anything more than a hung parliament / coalition. And an excellent reason for May not to call another disastrous GE. Not even she could be contemplating that.

Worst Tory PM since Heath ? Maybe, but they're both competing for the title with Thatcher, mind. That said, her failures are clearly intentional and repetitive.

Trouble is, parliament (including May) is more keen on thwarting Brexit than in the state of their own parties. They care less about hemorrhaging votes than they do about ignoring the public and getting their own way.
Bhg481. Yes I do care, but will do anything to keep Corbyn out, because his ideas on social services, defence, etc frighten me! Nothing could be worse to me than a far left government.
People on all sides of the divide voted the Leave to EU - not just Tories. I think people are sick of the politics we've seen of late and it wouldn't surprise me if voters of all hues beat a hasty retreat to the Brexit Party. Labour may be leading in the polls but no one has asked me. How about you?
Why stop at Heath? What has gone wrong will be studied by politicians for years, and will keep historians occupied for much longer. Lord North is one of the few beneficiaries of the May premiership; he is now no longer the worst Prime Minister in out history.
"So you don't care what the Brexit party will do about defence, social services etc,"

Irrelevant. No party is going to deliberately screw up the system in one session even if they actually formed a government. Best to get the major issue, that the rest are miserably failing on, out of the way, then take stock of other issues if necessary.
-Trouble is, parliament (including May) is more keen on thwarting Brexit than in the state of their own parties. They care less about hemorrhaging votes than they do about ignoring the public and getting their own way. -

Very true OG
Losing conservative seats isn’t necessarily going to get Corbyn in power. It will depend on if the Brexit parties get on.

In theory they could prop the conservatives up as the DUP have but they would have to give ground to Brexit.

But TBH polls aren’t always accurate so who knows.

The Brexit party or even UKIP have no hope of winning the election as in being the majority government but they would only need a dozen to get in to be able to do a bit of ‘propping’. So to dismiss them too easily may be a mistake.

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