No, Theland, the new secular religion is Climate Change.
In the older version man is fallen, paradise is lost and the world turned into thorns and thistles.
St Paul: "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.".
The Christian view promises salvation (and a "New Heaven and a New Earth") by God becoming man and sacrificing Himself on the cross. An extraordinary doctrine to an atheist like me. But, at least it has the plausible premise that there is something flawed, and maybe necessarily so about ourselves.
In the new religion it is Man who becomes the saviour and ultimately the creator of the the "new heaven and new earth". The method for achieving this begins with the renunciation of capitalism. The importance of this crusade and the need for chivalrous knights to fight on its behalf excites the moral zeal of the young (and many not so young) and gives them a sense of purpose in the spiritual vacuum created by the death of God (to quote Nietzsche). It also puts the paladins at centre stage: they and they alone can save the planet. The other appeal of the new religion is that it's a Manichaean view which reduces possibly complex arguments into simple right/wrong ones, and the supporters of each cause ino simple sheep anf goat categories. Which I think you may be familiar with.
PS: rant apart, I'm sorry to hear about your continuing ill-health, Theland. Please assume I'm doing whatever the atheist's equivalent of "praying for you" is.