pixie, I completely agree that hormones also drive women toward copulation (having re-read my earlier post, it is what I already said) and that they are cognisant that this is how they can/may/will become pregnant. That is, yes, also the way biology works in other species although to what extent other creatures link the two is very unclear and often animals show surprise at what birth produces. What I have no doubt about is that human females are additionally under social pressure to produce, it is a social tick-box and in earlier times that pressure came from society in general (that was what women were for) but nowadays it comes to a very substantial degree from their peers (similar age, Jane is pregnant. All the girls have a child now, why not you too ?).
Fathering a child with a guarantee of no responsibility will not be much of a thing for very many males, after all the deal comes with maybe several attempts (whoopee). They will be fixated onto the copulation aspect since pregnancy is not an issue. Normally the male wishes for no conception, usually the female feels the same but sometimes she actually wishes for conception and she will on occasion unilaterally decide to go for it.
All I am saying is that, yes, no male should behave toward a female in a way she does not care for, especially if she has made her position clear. Is it too much to ask that the reverse should apply - that no female should become pregnant unless she knows that the male is content for that to happen ? Females have full control over their fertility before and beyond conception, men do not. Even if an "accident" is claimed, that accident can be reversed very, very early on. Is it unreasonable to ask women to at very least not deliberately induce an accident ? Is it acceptable to throw it onto the male and in effect say "More fool you, you should have had a vasectomy" ? And maybe, "You wanted to and enjoyed it didn't you" into the bargain ? Is female responsibility for this one nil and the onus entirely on the male to at all times totally mistrust the female - very many (most ?) of the (by males) unwanted pregnancies occur in long term relationships, including when she is (at least supposedly)on the pill ("oops").
From the way you write, I feel there is not a lot of difference between our perceptions on these things but such as it is it goes to the heart of the matter. Maybe it is that men would like more consideration for their position and women want to keep theirs intact. A reliable long term male contraceptive analogous to the contraceptive pill for females would do it, in the absence of which there is vasectomy. With things as they are would you join me in getting a campaign going for vasectomy for all males aged 16 and above on the NHS plus a heavy promotion of the procedure to get at least 75% uptake ? Sperm banks for depositing seed in the event of reversal not working for later procreation when that is wished for would have to be included.
On reflection, that is probably not a viable plan but you understand what I mean. This is not an insignificant issue because the next generation is being thrown a spanner from the start. Have the children no right to know who their father is, and along with it (sperm donation excepted) that the offspring was unintentional ? What about the effects on the next generation - I know examples where the selfish "accident" resulted in untold misery in the adolescent and adult offspring. Are we content for that to go on just so the mother can prove she can produce, basically for the sake of her vanity ?