I found that a name of the wicked rots from God’s memory, but the good name of the obedient, God remembers, either to preserve them through Armageddon if they are living then or resurrect them to life on earth.
Eccl 7:1
Theland - you talk a lot about 'studying the scriptures' and there are others on here who use their 'studies' as apparent justification for their superior attitudes and opinions.
But as I and plenty of others on here know by what they read from these individuals, studying and understanding are not necessarily the same thing.
I have studied what's under my car's bonnet, but I am no closer to understanding it!!
Did you know man’s prosperity no longer exists, thus causing distress. Man’s rule is in opposition to God’s kingdom, and hence it is seen to be ineffective, powerless. It is filled with wickedness, graft and totalitarian methods, and corruption of all kinds. The various governments and schemes of men are shattered and darkened, and there is nothing that they can do about it; and so you are in fear.
Andy, study and understanding truly are different.
I don't make a full time job of study, but when I can.
As for understanding, well, I do my best, and that's the best I can say.
Naomi, @ 16:01 - I don't believe in infinite regression, that goes against my reasoning, so I quite accept a beginning, and that requires a first cause.
To me, that first cause, that Creator, gave us this universe.
I'm quite comfortable with that idea.