A Personal Decision?
The Road to salvation ?? What Will Go When God’s Kingdom Comes?
Matthew 24:14 And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come., When Jesus gave this sign, he also spoke of a special season of the year. He said: “Keep praying that your flight may not occur in wintertime.” (Matthew 24:20) What do you think he meant by that/??????
I think he meant to ensure you have a jumper with you in the winter..as my mum would have said and ensure that the heating on the plane is working efficiently.....it is, after all, important to keep warm in the winter.
fiveleaves, I'm someone who thinks hard about life and death and seek to come to some kind of understanding of it all. How would you describe yourself?
Atheist, I am also someone who has thought about the really big questions and still does.
As you probably gather from my posts I am a practising Christian.
I am interested in philosophy, been known to have read Wittgenstein