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@davebro, 16 and homosexual
I don't see why your sexuality should define what you can and should wear... Wear what u want For Funks Sake it's 2021
What on earth? I never wrote for funks sake.. I wrote For Funks Sake
What is this wizardry >:(
I think the bag is entirely appropriate for evening wear but I would go for a more flamboyant colour daytime.
Cherrypie - // @pastafreak, no I'm not but he is still implying throwing the guy in a fire //

It's not a guy, it's a 'Guy'.

There was a long tradition, now dying out, of burning an effigy - a doll - of Guy Fawkes, which dates back to 1605.when Fawkes and fellow rebels plotted to blow up the Houses Of Parliament, with all the MP's and the King inside.

The plot was discovered - they hid loads of barrels of gunpowder in the cellars under the Parliament building. Everyone was saved, and the conspirators were executed.

In celebration, the largely Protestant people built a bonfire every year and burned an effigy of the Catholic Fawkes as a 'thank you' for the king and parliament being spared.

This practice really only died out about ten years ago in this country - kids would make a Guy and stand on a street corner with it, chanting 'Penny For The Guy ... ' to passersby who would give them money which they would spend on fireworks for their Bonfire Night - November 5, when the Guy would be burned and the fireworks set off.

We still do the Bonfire Night, but without the Guy anymore.
no its a ladies bag,let the ladies have it,some men have taken their earrings,hair styles,and other things, are men getting more iffeminate???
Because we have style Tommy ;-)
There is nothing new about men wearing jewellery, makeup, wigs. And I don't mean just in the past few decades.
I wouldn't let a friend of any gender or persuasion use that, its hideous
It looks cheap and plasticky ..
if you are asking
then you clearly hae doubts
so I wouldnt

if you like / want: look at that man, he has a blue bag with a huge bow on it ! - then it is a clear yes
// here is nothing new about men wearing jewellery, makeup, wigs//
yeah foo - look at Tutankhamum - - king tut to the average ABer

yeah OK he was dead - - but in principle
PP and didn't the female rulers wear beards or did historians make that up?

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