last week cousin visited for a chat only after work but she stayed longer - but I can rustle a meal in minutes. ie done chips, smoked cod and beans - we could have ate more but that was all I had LOL - ie more fish.
I haven't cooked fish for ages and had forgotten the smell - boy doesn't it linger. Yes I know wipe things down with lemon etc but it still lingers.
Any ideas next time folks, oh I think I will put the fan extractors on. Meant to get some today as it is a Friday and I'm a good Catholic girl but forgot. LOL
PS - like to get it in my local fishmonger - who only opens on a Friday cos he is a good Catholic boy LOL
some people call it brown cod - maybe that's what you get Sharon - I had got it out of the supermarket last week in a packet and it was very nice but too thin. At least the monger will have thick pieces.