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Stop The War In Ukraine!

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naomi24 | 10:57 Wed 02nd Mar 2022 | Society & Culture
42 Answers
Such is the cry of the Stop the War Coalition as they urge people to rally in protest on a Global Day of Action on Sunday 6 March.

Just one question. Stop the War … how?


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Presumably their cry is to Putin and the Russian army. While unlikely to be effective it's fair enough to show where they stand on the matter, and hope others do too. I think some are being a little overcritical. It is insignificant next to Putin's unjustifiable grab for previous USSR states.
//... Stop the War … how?//

Novichok in Putin's tea?
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OG, //I think some are being a little overcritical. //

Overcritical of whom?
I detect a hardening of attitudes and a redefining of acceptable behaviours from self-appointed spokespersons.

Beware of disappearing up your own sincerity and losing the room.
Stop the War Coalition and their cry on March 6th.
Going by the statement of 'we oppose the British establishment's addiction to war' I would be very suspicious of the origin of this group.
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That's exactly the sort of thing I meant when I spoke about the language they use, danny.

OG, do you think that sort of language - or anything they're doing - serves a good purpose?
“ Presumably their cry is to Putin and the Russian army”

Their cry appears to be to themselves.
They are perfectly at liberty to hold what I’d term “their sort of protest” but the idea the Russian army or Putin will take any notice other than to maybe highlight the “anti-NATO” bit is unrealistic
It won't stop the war, but I've just left a golf-friend who owns a travel company, - he owns about 50 coaches, business is slack through covid, & he told me he is driving one of them himself tomorrow from here, (SW Germany) to Poland filled with medical supplies given by his near Black-Forest town of Freudenstadt and will be bringing around 50 Ukrainian refugees back.

I asked him where they will stay & he said, "We'll find places for them around the town, I might take two or three into my house myself",

I said if we can help, please get in touch, - who knows? :0)
One of the aims of the sanctions the Western aligned governments is to cause the Russian people to dissent and nudge Putin to withdraw.
"Stop the War in Ukraine! Russian troops out!" , their banner, might aid this.
they are MAABOF we all want to stop the war but that does not mean surrendering to despots.
Their name is wrong, instead of "Stop the war" - It should be "surrender to any despot, after all they may let us live and that's better than defending our own way of life" - utter lefty quislings.
TTT.... ready to spite to the last drop of Ukrainian blood.
cobras, the trouble with these people is that they never answer the questions about what should we do when faced with an aggressor. Why don't you have a go sevenOp.
Yeah Khandy as TTT might say- MAABOF-FOO!
or in english

well done - showing humanity

agree ich - agaaaaain ! - stop the war. but as the Beeb pointed out - Putin is calling Z a neo-nazi and druggie, so directs talks are unlikely

we havent had
Ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant

they create a desert and call it peace ( calgacus speech, Tacitus)
I think Tora's itching to get into the trenches.

Oh look, he's already over the top.
encourage a member of the Kremlin to do what the Bundestag didn't do as to Adolf - as in assassination by Novak or spiked Yorkshire Gold tea.
Does Ukraine have any missiles that would reach Moscow?
You would think so......
PP : "Putin is calling Z a neo-nazi and druggie"

Really PP ? Where is that documented ? (P.S. Boris Johnston is one man, not 'thee' British government)

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