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Drinking Beer Directly From The Bottle

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Khandro | 06:36 Thu 23rd Jun 2022 | Society & Culture
84 Answers
Isn't it a disgusting, ugly & filthy habit? It seems to be now the norm now, even with women, in American movies.
Surely no AnswerBankers would do such a thing .... err, would they?

Where did it come from? I recently saw a clip from "Cheers" & 'Norm' & his friend the postman were definitely drinking from large glass steins there at the end of the bar.


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It's the only way to drink beer!
Empty the bottle, then put it in the recycle bin.
I used to drink Newcastle Brown straight from the bottle many moons ago, but that was the only time, wouldn't do it now
i have been known to do it, but confess i like my beer in a proper glass.
Piker ;-)
I occasionally drink straight from the bottle, can't see what the problem is.
Yeh, I think you'll find us pommies prefer using a glass.
whatever you do don't use a straw . . .
I do both but drinking from the bottle is probably more hygienic than drinking from an improperly washed glass.
Bottles are less easy to spike with drugs and less likely to spill on the dance floor. It is very unhygenic as you don't know the storage history of the bottle and could have been in contact with anything including rats pee which carries weills disease.
Not my cup of tea but live and let live I always say. hic
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Try lifting a bottle of beer only by the crown seal, it covers only a quarter inch of the lip of the bottle, so your fingers have to touch the bottle & if yours do so does everyone else who has handled it & that's what you put between your lips.

No bartender would ever handle a glass by the rim
if you'd seen the washing up water in some of the bars I've been to....
Hardly a new thing, I used to love a michelob straight from the bottle when I worked in pubs and that was 27 years ago
Still the sort of thing that's down to freedom of choice, old chap.
Anyway, around here, correcting strangers with a bottle in their hand could prove more injurious to one's health than a tummy bug.
I think suggesting it's "a disgusting, ugly & filthy habit" is rather an extreme point of view and says more about your (skewed) sensibilities than anything else. No one forces you to drink from the bottle do they?
Some are posher than others
does it matter if it all ends up in yer belly
if you drink from a glass you need to make sure your pinkie is poked out
When a friendly tramp offers you a swig of his meths you wouldn't demand a glass, would you?
glass > bottle > can

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