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Prince Harry

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fourteen85 | 07:49 Mon 01st May 2023 | Society & Culture
485 Answers
There has been talk in the press lately about him having lied on his visa form to gain entry to the USA, could he be stopped from re entering after the coronation?


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/andy-hughesMaybe some women are more keen to adopt moral judgements of complete strangers based only on media 'evidence', and an undeserved sense of moral superiority./

That is one of the most pompous statements I've seen you make. We all know who you are getting at. That's such childish behaviour
Maybe some women think they know more than they do - fuelled by their twin character flaws of presumed intelligence and presumed moral superiority.
'travelling masseuse'

Aye, there's the rub.
Andy for goodness sake give it a rest!
MissT - Feel free to ignore me if you don't agree with my view, which I am entitled to express of course.
MsT - Who are you including in the "We all know ..." statement?

Who do you presume to speak for?
She speaks for almost everybody on AB I should think.

I'm Spartacus! :-P
Ladybirder - An assumption you are not to make, and probably untrue if you were.
> I know she was offered a job as a ‘travelling masseuse’
which she accepted. She certainly travelled too. She met Andrew in London, New York and the Caribbean.

Yes, all true, although "trafficked" would probably be a more specific word than "travelled". All of that is well documented, e.g. in articles like this one:

So in your version, Giuffre wasn't sex trafficked, she went along with her own volition, in some "hybrid" sex scheme (some trafficked, some not) masterminded by Epstein. And you know this because ...
Could we have a poll please?
There are some wild assumptions going on e.g. she was a willing participant, she happily went into being a travelling masseuse.

Where is the back-up for these?
Thank you ellipsis, I’ve read most of the newspaper reports including that one. And watch out. You’ve fallen foul of the fantasy ‘so’ rule - and it’s inventor is on the war path. ;o)
I'd prefer a Lithuanian if that's on the menu, Doooogie.
Andy Hughes, Jimmy Saville, Allegedly?????
Are you kidding me?
I don't even know where to start with that one!
> You’ve fallen foul of the fantasy ‘so’ rule

No I haven't.

Bit by bit:
* Giuffre wasn't sex trafficked, she went along with her own volition - you've said as much, that she was willing. That's your version
* in some "hybrid" sex scheme (some trafficked, some not) - some were trafficked (Epstein was prosecuted for it) and if Giuffre wasn't trafficked and some were, then it must be a hybrid sex scheme by definition
* masterminded by Epstein - he was the one with the money, the connections and the influence.
Ellipsis, I’ve not mentioned a hybrid sex scheme. You said that just after you said ‘so in your version…’ - which wasn’t my version.
Barsel - // Andy Hughes, Jimmy Saville, Allegedly?????
Are you kidding me? //

No, I'm not kidding you.

At the time of his death, Mr Savile remained untried and unconvicted of any offences in law.

That means the allegations against him must remain just that - allegations.
We have all read newspaper reports - that's all any of us have to go on, and reports vary depending on the position of the paper offering them.

And last time I checked, reading reports doesn't make anyone an authority to pronounce on what someone may or may not have done, or how they ended up in any situation, or what their motivations were in reaction to that situation.

We are all in exactly the position - offering our views, but only a few are offering them as though they are indisputable facts.
Do you believe the allegations?

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