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Rwanda Fiasco

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Hymie | 22:03 Sun 19th Nov 2023 | Society & Culture
40 Answers

Is the Tory government really going to pass a law in parliament that says Rwanda is a safe country in order to try and send refugees there?

To my mind their time would be better spent passing laws to say that the hospital waiting list for treatment is not at almost 8 million, over 13 million are not living in poverty, and around 2,500 people are not homeless (sleeping rough every night).



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To my mind their time would be better spent passing laws to say that the hospital waiting list for treatment is not at almost 8 million



is it that easy?

Crickey...why haven't they done this before now?

I know, pass a law to say everyone has free gas and electric.

Well, if Rwanda is good enough for the UN, it should be good enough for the UK surely?

Hymie thinks it's Dodgy.

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Yes I do – but to move the Rwanda plan forward, the only realistic hope is for the government to pass a law that says it is a safe country (despite the Supreme Court ruling).

So is Sunak really planning to do that, or just give up on Rwanda and the £140 million?

The question isn't whether Rwanda is a safe country (it is!) but the arrangement with them has not been sufficiently framed to ensure that any possible miscreant refugee isn't sent back to the country where they are at risk.

As I see it, all that has to happen now, is to ensure by legal means that this will not happen.

How about sending the every one of the Tory MPs to Rwanda with them

I have my doubts that it can suceed, but there again I have my doubts many in parliament, including the PM, wants it to succeed. For whatever reason they give the impression they are happy for our nation to be swamped by illegals bringing their version of society here and straining every service & resource we pay for. All they seem to wish is to create the impression of trying.


We clearly need to leave any agreement to accept ridiculous interpretations of what a human right is, think more of the human right of our citizens, and then do what we consider is right instead.

Well said OG.

If you import the world, you import the world's problems ! 

Wonder just how many of these immigrants will end up MPs in the future it seems to be the trend.

You can never be sure a country won't send illegal immigrants back, but that is too general a description and means you could never send anyone anywhere at all. As such it is a valueless rule.


If the other country doesn't respect basic rights that they claim to agree to then it's that other country who is responsible, not anyone else.


No self respecting nation, with the aim of staying around and advancing, can be a haven for anyone demanding entry. It has to control it's own affairs.

................"That's the way to do it"..............The EU have sent 2,250 Brits back to the UK since Brexit....Why not ask them for advice.

But clean!

gulliver @10:39

\\................"That's the way to do it"..............The EU have sent 2,250 Brits back to the UK since Brexit....Why not ask them for advice.//


1. Do you have a link?

2. Do you have proof?


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The reason the Tory government wants the Rwanda plan to fail is so they can blame everyone else (Labour, lefty lawyers, the blob , the Supreme Court etc), and then claim they were defeated in their aims to stop the boats by the same.

Of course, what they don’t want you to know is the Rwanda plan was only for 200 refugees a year, and shock horror we had to take an unspecified number of Rwanda refugees in return.

It would be a huge laugh to me if due to the government’s incompetence we were prevented from sending any refugees to Rwanda, but nevertheless by the terms of the agreement had to accept Rwandan refugees.

//they can blame everyone else (Labour, lefty lawyers, the blob , the Supreme Court etc//


You missed off the ECHR - but the rest you got right.  They can blame them.

I blame Brexit backfiring ....It was supposed to Stop immigration But it didn't..did it .

The ECHR is not part of the EU.


Atheist, who said it was?

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