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St. Andrew's Day Scotland

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Hazlinny | 06:39 Thu 30th Nov 2023 | ChatterBank
24 Answers

Wishing all Scottish Abers and Scots all over the World  "Happy St. Andrew's Day"




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Hazlinny, have a braw day!


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Thanks, same to you Wolfie x

agreed - a glass of flaming Drambuie was our St. Andrean toast on the Day...I think I'll stick to a good malt.

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Have this one on me, DTC 😊

Thanks,Haz,very proud to be Scottish,very proud to be British.Us Scots made the modern world.I will not let the Scots Nats destroy our legacy.

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For you Miffy 😊

Happy St Andrew's Day to all Scots on here. I'd play you Highland Cathedral but am thick when it comes to technology. You'll just have to hum it! 

Lang may yer lum reek

Good morning, nice post Haz. 

Aye, wishing all the Caledonian ABers a great day.

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Roopower - here it is 😊

Here's tae us, wha's like us?  Damn few, they're a' deid!

Happy St Andrew's Day to all concerned! 😊

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Happy S. Andrew's day to us all and to everyone.

I was named after him but I still came a day early ??

I had my drams of Usquebagh yesterday.

Slainte Mhor,Retro....i was going to say ya auld slop,but i wont....

Lol Thanks. I think😄

My Aunt, aged 97, died last night, so a T&T to her as she loved her gin and tonic. I've just found a treble of Tamavulin in my cupboard so a wee toast to the joy of being at St. Andrews and the day at large, though we used to down flaming Drambuies as mad as we room mate from Year 1, a fresher medic, ending up with a 3rd degree burn on the tip of his nose as he broke the 'pour into the throat' off midstream and had a flare up!

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