Jesus Christ —God, Man, Or Myth? in The AnswerBank: Society & Culture
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Jesus Christ —God, Man, Or Myth?

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locust | 15:09 Fri 29th Dec 2023 | Society & Culture
94 Answers

Jesus Christ  —God, Man, or Myth?  
 On the other hand, we should be eager to learn about a Jesus, who is alive and who is empowered by God, to bring lasting benefits to mankind. Evolution Undermines Faith. In advocating evolution, with whom do the clergy ally themselves, and what published statements show whether they are aware of it or not. Religious advocates of evolution thus join hands with atheistic communists whose avowed aim is to root out faith in God, In what ways is man more wonderfully made than the animals, (Genesis 1:27, 28), Then, of course, there are the leaders of false religion who preach from the Bible at times and yet live contrary to its teachings or come forth with philosophies such as “God is dead” or that the virgin birth, of Jesus is a myth or that the creation account in Genesis is a fairy tale.

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I wonder if Locust has ever seriously considered whether Jesus could have been just a man - and researched that possibility?  

locust, do you honestly believe you convince people? You cannot prove the bible is correct by constantly quoting from it. That's like quoting the Dandy to prove Desperate Dan is alive and well.

vulcan - // locust, do you honestly believe you convince people? You cannot prove the bible is correct by constantly quoting from it. That's like quoting the Dandy to prove Desperate Dan is alive and well. //

He must - that's the only explanation for his tedious preaching, and absence of enagement about why he believes as he does.

Unfortunately, there are some people, and fervent Christians are the worst, who bolster their low self-esteem with the utterly facile view that they are somehow urged to 'share their good news' with people who don't think as they do.

It is colossally arrogant to assume such a position, that you have something that others need and you are going to waste huge swathes or your time, and seconds of theirs, trying to convince them that your smugness is based on concern for their welfare.

He will never change, the utterly self-righteous never do, they are protected from any scintilla of doubt by a carapace of pompousness and superiority which is impervious to even basic questions about the concept of faith, which is why any and all such questions are ignored, or buried under another mound of bible quotations.

He's best ignored.

He won't go away, but we shouldn't encourage him.

Question Author

Andy, Hughes, Thank you very much for your explanation and honesty in your feelings, expressions, 
   locust, But I will be honest with you, I don't expect any of you to understand what I believe, That the Bible is true, And there is a son, Of god, this you may not understand, But I'm not out to convert any of you, Because you have your own interest at hand, But, I am out to fulfil Jesus is word to go and do the preaching work (Maththew28, 19)am not expecting to convert anybody, but they will convert themselves if they are interested, or something, will motivate them to look into the scriptures and see for themselves, ln the Bible. Today's world, It is not a myth, It is a diary from our creator, Who has given us he's understanding for the future, of humans and the mast destruction, for which will take place just before he takes his Rest period, once again after his Sixth Day, working period over, The course of time, He has given this authority to his son and this will take place, As you have been told, About all the problems of Timothy,3,1,6 and the horses of the Apocalypse, as you see today the world is in a chaos 

locust - // But I will be honest with you, I don't expect any of you to understand what I believe, That the Bible is true, And there is a son, Of god, this you may not understand, But I'm not out to convert any of you, Because you have your own interest at hand, //

Wonderful - you can stop posting then.

But you won't ...

locust - why don't you spend some time finding out the difference between a comma and a full stop, and then implementing that information?  Then it would be a lot easier to understand your posts....before completely ignoring them.

To be, or not to be, that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,

No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;

To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

Must give us pause—there's the respect

That makes calamity of so long life.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,

Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,

The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,

The insolence of office, and the spurns

That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,

When he himself might his quietus make

With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,

To grunt and sweat under a weary life,

But that the dread of something after death,

The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn

No traveller returns, puzzles the will,

And makes us rather bear those ills we have

Than fly to others that we know not of?

Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all,

And thus the native hue of resolution

Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,

And enterprises of great pith and moment

With this regard their currents turn awry

And lose the name of action.

Hamlet 3:1

Question Author

 Naon24.  11:27 Sat 30th Dec 2023 I wonder if Locust has ever seriously considered whether Jesus could have been just a man - and researched that possibility?

Once again you completely misunderstood what I am trying to say you need to get your facts quite clear in your head please, In the Bible it says that Christ was born of a virgin woman, so this makes him a man in human form, and he walked his earth as a human, but before he could return to his father he had to get rid of his earthly body because blood and flesh cannot enter the kingdom of God(1 Corinthians 15:50) He had to be a spirit to return to his heavenly 

Jesus was an 👽 

man, I think, and people have attached a lot of myth to him - they do that with successful people, like George Washington's mythical cherry tree. But that suggests his preaching was successful, caught on quickly and spread widely, as the preaching of others did not.

Jesus is God.Part of the Trinity, God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The evolution debate is a separate debate. Probably best not to mix the two up in this debate

Locust, I've always understood what you're saying.  Repeating it incessantly doesn't give it any more credence but your proclivity to do so confirms my suspicions that your answer to my question is 'No'.  You have never considered the possibility that Jesus may have been just a human being born of a man and a woman as we all are.


You read the bible with the intention of seeking endorsement for your beliefs.  I, on the other hand, in order to attempt to unravel a two thousand year old mystery,  read what you ignore - and there is much there to indicate that Jesus wasn't who religion claims him to be.   It's certainly an intriguing story but in my opinion it's not what you think it is.  It's far more interesting.


^That for you too, fiveleaves.



Question Author

Naoni 24 .very clever interpretation of what you're thinking. About what I am trying to say. But once again I have to say that you are completely wrong, and I do not ignore what you are saying, and I do investigate everything I mean everything that is with is written down for my investigation to prove to myself and maybe other people that Jesus was a human upon the Earth at one point, but he had to disregard this human body to go back to the heavens in the spiritual form as I said blood and flesh cannot enter the kingdom of God, so therefore he had to be a spirit. And there are two good reasons why he had to die. And was resurrected these reasons we can discuss at a later date thank you for your commen


I will back up my reasoning with scripture
John 8 58 Philippians 2:6 Col 1:15

thttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity_of_Jesus#:~:text=Virtually%20all%20scholars%20dismiss %20theories,virtually%

Tacitus , Roman historian and senator, SUETONIUS , Josephus

today Rudolf Bultmann

locust - Just because any number of other people say what you say - whether it be historical texts which obviously cannot be verified, or simply opinions, like yours, which again do not stand up to verification - does not make it true.

There are thousands of people who write down their belief that the earth is flat - but that does make it a fact, simply what they believe, although of course, their belief is actually open to scientific disproving.

Belief is not fact - other people thinking what you think does not make it fact, and offering it up as proof of your belief is pointless.

Without much effort, i could find you a three-figure list of people who will agree with me that God on earth is actually Mickey Mouse - you can get anyone to believe anything if you look hard enough.

But belief is not fact.

Belief is not fact.

Belief is not fact.

Got it now?


Of course not.

Question Author

Andy hughes  Just because any number of other people say what you say - whether it be historical texts which obviously cannot be verified,

I do not, to be disrespectful. Or your intelligence, But the argument stinks .and there is no reason for your argument to hold up in a court of law. Because there are many things which are unexplainable.

I've never seen a pyramid, but it does exist. Furthermore, I've

I've never seen the ruins of Babylon the great, but it does exist.

I've never seen the Chinese wall, but it does exist. Yes the

able is for research

Apart from a chance to exercise the high horses yet again, why is this post any less worthy than those endless enquiries on what to wear, is it wrong to... or what's for dinner?

Moderator's note: We're normally very tolerant but THIS is beyond the pale.

All aboard the handcart for hell.

Locust - My argument only 'stinks' because it disagrees with you, but that leaves it only insulted, not disproved.

And it doesn't have to 'stand up' in a court of law, it's not in trial.

It merely has to stand up on here, and from your patronizing response, it clearly succeeds. 

I have to return to Locust's answer, having pondered the utter pointlessness of his comparison -

I have also never seen the pyramids. Bit I can go and touch them and time I want, as millions have, if I wish to confirm that they actually exist.

How that is supposed to compare with the notion that God exists, I have no idea.

Locust, you're not going to want to hear this but we don’t know who wrote the gospels - it wasn't the disciples who as eye witnesses were the only people qualified to accurately record events.  That prolific writer, Saul of Tarsus, aka St Paul, never met him and never heard him speak, and the Romans, very sneakily, kept no records of Jesus.  Everything written about him, including the scant accounts from historians, is hearsay. 


The gospels contain many clues that strongly suggest to me that Jesus was someone very special to the Jews but a threat to the Roman occupiers and dangerous to Herod, the sycophantic, self-serving king appointed by the Romans.  They also suggest to me that Jesus quite possibly received his early education abroad and enjoyed the support of wealthy and influential people; that he was married and that he survived the crucifixion.  That aside the most fundamental questions are easily answered.  Do virgins become pregnant?  No they don't - but that claim raises the question of why Joseph's family tree is included in the gospels.  Next question. Do dead people come back to life?  No.  Never.  That is indisputable.


I think the Romans knew exactly who Jesus was.  That's why the sign they nailed to the cross referred to him as the 'King of the Jews'.

Sorry I can't read all of these posts and I don't expect anyone to read mine, but can I just say that the virgin did not give birth to a child as it's just not possible?

A virgin cannot grow a child in her body. Unless that was another miracle.

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